Chapter Twenty Four: The World In War

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Third Person POV
(I drew Aki-chan!!! You can check out more art on my Instagram at yaoi-smutsmut, There is fanart and OC From all of my books


As the war broke out ninja were mobilized. Naruto had yet to be introduced to the battle.

Killer Bee and Naruto were in hiding with Captain Yamato on the island were she was being trained.

To be honest Kurama was willing to give Naruto his chakra, He felt that he could trust her with his chakra and strength The issue hadn't been with getting the chakra but instead it had to do with controlling her emotions and keeping the chakra pure with out tainting it with malice.

Naruto sat infront of the water fall, She would be facing the waterfall of truth. She closed her eyes and concentrated.

She was brought out of her meditation when a figure walked infront of her and crouched to her level.

"So this is the great Naruto Uzumaki. Huh?" The voice stated as she looked down at her in disgust. Naruto's eyes widen as she saw herself standing infront of her. The person looked just like her but there was something off about her, a sense of ugly putrid hatred seem to roll off of her in waves.

"Who... Who are you?" She stammered out. "Isn't it obvious you stupid bitch? You are at the waterfall of truth. I am the real you, The one you keep suppressed underneath all of those layers of pretense." The clone stated as she stood up and walked around her.

"Surprised?" The clone asked as Naruto stared at the carbon copy of herself walk around her.

"The real me? So you are like my subconscious?" She asked as she stood up.

"Yes, I am. I am all those thoughts you keep suppressed. Like the annoyance you feel when those stupid Villagers treat you like you are some great hero. You know that deep inside it angers you, those smiles that they give you when all your life they have treated you like the shit on the bottom of their shoes." She stated with a casual shrug.

"Isn't it funny how a few months ago they were calling you a disgrace not only for being the Jinchuriki but also because you had children at such a young age. The way they looked at our children with distaste and annoyance and now they want to kiss your ass and butter you up. It is pathetic." She sneered as she glanced at Naruto who listened quietly.

"I guess deep down I might've felt that way." Naruto mumbled as she looked at the waterfall, the soothing sound of rushing water was like a soft melody that kept her calm.

"Tch, You are pushing it aside, Like it is no big deal. Just like you did when you found out Karin was pregnant. That bastard betrayed us in more than one way and yet you act as if he has done nothing." She added a look of anger flashing on her face.

"There is nothing I can do, What's done is done. He made his choice. I might not feel the same love I felt for him like I had before but I can carry on without him." Naruto replied her face contouring of one of acceptance.

"There you go repressing yourself again. We hate him. For what he has done, for how he has hurt us. The way he betrayed the Village, Betrayed us and yet you act as if it is nothing." The clone stated as she began getting riled up with how naruto was expressing herself

"And that bastard child, Don't deny the fact that even looking at the monster you don't feel the hatred from the very depth of us. A product of that betrayal. Every time that THING breathes it reminds us of what HE has done. The violated trust we placed on him!" The clone yelled, waves of anger seemed to roll off her and Naruto stared at her.

"I know, I understand. To be honest I want to scream and yell at you, At how wrong you are. But I.... You aren't lying. But Hiroyuki is innocent, We would be the same as the villagers if we hate him for what Sasuke has done. People hurt us because they blamed us for the Kyubii attack. Even if we were innocent, Just like Hiroyuki, He isn't to blame and we shouldn't hold any resentment towards him. If we want to be angry at any one it should be Sasuke, Not Hiroyuki, not Karin." She stated with resolve behind her voice

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