Chapter Four: I don't like you... maybe

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"Hmph I don't care it's not like I'm not strong." I say loud enough so my teammates could hear me.

Sasuke was cocking a brow as he looked at me. "Naruto we have to do this as a team." Sakura sighed as she crossed her arms.

"Fine just as long as Sasuke doesn't get in the way." I mutter closing my eyes but peeking to see his facial expression.

"Don't worry dobe I won't get in the way, it's always the other way around." He replied in almost a mocking tone.

I growled, that jerk not only does he steal the spotlight all the time but he is always teasing me, especially when no one else is looking.

There are times when I'm cool with him and we hang out or train together but other times he's a cocky Pervy Uchiha who does even the littlest things to embarrass me or make me blush.

It a constant battle with him, and if he wasn't as good looking then I'd kick him to the side.

Also he makes small remarks all the time complimenting me and getting too close saying 'Naruto are you blushing?' Or 'You look better when you are all flustered like that.' It's not that it angers me but it's hard to be all concentrated on my ninjutsu or our missions when he distracts me like that.

I swear ever since the our A ranked mission he's been getting real cocky.

"Well we got our mission so let's set out." Kakashi sighed as he held his book in hand. We all nodded and proceeded off.

All these boring D ranked missions were all we had, they're so annoying why don't people get off their lazy asses and do these stupid chores?!

"First we weed the garden, then clean the river and walk the dogs from the shelter." Kakashi reminded us.

"Piece of cake." I stated as I placed my hands behind my head as we walked.

Now I know I'm not the brightest ninja but why am I so clumsy?!

While weeding the garden I ended up pulling all the herbs, the lady beat me black and blue.

On our second mission while I was picking up trash from the river bank I slipped on this moldy rock and was seconds close to falling straight down a waterfall but just as I was about to plunge into an early grave someone grabbed my ankle and it was none other than the Pervy Uchiha!

Now I know the last one was kind of my fault, while at the animal shelter everyone picked out a dog to walk, Sakura chose a nice small chihuahua, Sasuke choose a slightly larger dog. Now I didn't want to be like them, I wanted a challenge and I found it. There was a large adorable dog in the shelter about my height and I just had to walk him.

With this one I could prove I could do anything Sasuke could but better and more challenging. What I didn't know was how strong this dog was.

No matter how much I pulled or yanked I couldn't get him to budge. He was like a solid rock when I tried to move him. But that wasn't the issue, the issue was that I couldn't move him but he could move me. No matter how hard I resisted I couldn't get him to stop going where he wanted to go.

Instead the dog dragged me around wherever he wanted to go. I went through hell and back by the time we finished our mission.

"Why aren't you more careful Naruto." Sakura scolded me as I used her for support to help me walk.

"I try ya know." I groan before glancing at Sasuke who smirked at me. "Well it was Sasuke's fault." I grumbled using him as scapegoat. "Don't bring Sasuke kun in this, this was all your doing he didn't tell you to pick the largest dog." Sakura stated as she got on to me.

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