Chapter Twenty two- Let you burn

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Third person POV ___

Naruto was on edge, The thought of Kumogakure going after her or her kids for their connections to Sasuke had her worried and she needed to do something about it.

"Kakashi sensei, do you think I could... Better the relationship between Konoha and Kumo?" She asked, they were at the campsite, she was watching her two kids from afar.

Kakashi side glanced at his student. "I don't know. Being how much Kumo hated your father it would be hard to make peace with them." He stated and Naruto gritted her teeth.

"I want to talk to the Raikage, They might think Sasuke knows about the kids and try and use them as leverage. But he doesn't even know they exist so not only would that not work but it could prove to be dangerous. Do you think I could go and personally talk to him? " she asked and Kakashi sighed.

"At the moment there is no real order keeping you here in the village, Danzo is keeping a close eye on you but that is it. I'm sure you felt the presence of the Root Anbu near you." He stated and I gave a curt nod.

"I could easily loose them, The problem is I do not wish to leave them here. I know it might sound paranoid, But they aren't safe here." Naruto grumbles and Kakashi nods in agreement.

"You could also send them to Mount Myoboku. The toads will keep them safe and you won't have to worry about anyone finding them." He stated casually as he flipped a page on his book.

We had been keeping our voices low to draw less attention. " Alright, You are going to take care of the other two, right?" Naruto says referring to the anbu.

Kakashi gave her a small smirk. "Consider them dealt with." He stated as he closed his book and stood up letting out a loud sigh.

She moved quickly. "Aki! Ryuu! Come here!" She called out for them as she took them inside of the tent.

"What is it mama?" Ryuu asked as they walked in. Naruto didn't say anything as she summoned Gamakichi.

"Any more conflicts?" Gamakichi appeared ready to battle. " Not right now. But I do have a mission for you." Naruto says and he loosens his stance.

"Mama, Is that a frog?" Ryuu asked and Aki stands quietly. Naruto grimaced, Ever since the attack Aki has been quieter. She was usually loud and curious. But now she always seemed to be wary of new things, She also did not want to leave her brothers side for any reason.

"He isn't a frog. He's a toad. I know you two have been through a lot. But mama has some things she has to take care of so I'm sending you with Gamakichi to the toad mountains where you will be safe. You will be staying with grandma and grandpa toad. Okay" She spoke softy and Aki latched onto her mothers ninja pants.

"Mama, I want to stay with you. What if the scary man comes back. " Aki stated as tears brimmed her eyes.

"That is why you must go. I know the people here would protect you with their lives. But I don't want you to be hurt so you must listen to me and go with Gamakichi. I will go get you and bring you back when it is safe." She says but Aki began to cry.

"But I wanna be with Mama and Ryuu. I want to stay with you." She cried out as she held on to Naruto's pants, Ryuu also began to start sniffling.

Naruto crouched down and engulfed them in a hug as she comforted them. "It's okay, I will try and get you back as soon as possible but I must make sure you both stay safe. " Naruto stated , Her eyes also started to swell up with tears as she knew that it would be a while before she got to see them again.

Kurama stirred within her, he too was frustrated but he knew better than keeping them around. At this point even the village wasn't safe and soon Minato's old enemies and Sasuke's enemies would come looking for them and neither of them were ready to loose either of the kids, at least not again. Ryuu was still alive due to an unprecedented miracle.

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