Chapter One: How it all began

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"Everyone hurry or you'll be late to the academy!" The orphanage caretaker called out as she stood impatiently by the door as the other kids hurried out.

A certain blonde tried to blend in with the other kids but as always was roughly pushed away by the other kids getting knocked her off her feet.

"OUT OUT ALL OF YOU!" She yelled with a small smile as the other kids waved goodbye. "And you hurry up and leave having you here any longer is a bother." She turned glaring at the small girl who had been pushed and shoved by the other kids.

"I'm going, I'm going." She grumbled as she was getting up picking up her bag that had been knocked out of her hands.

To be honest the caretaker wasn't necessarily mean or cruel, she was kind and caring but she disliked a certain blond haired blue eyed little girl, the little girl was just too loud, too obnoxious, and of course that thing was locked up inside her making her intolerable to the 'nice' caretaker.

As of matter of fact none of the adults seemed to like the girl for that reason, they avoided her, ignored, or mistreated her for what she had hidden inside her. Which in result made her an outcast due to them making their children turn against her as well.

"Go!" The caretaker yelled a little louder making the girl hurry up and scamper off and leave.

"She didn't have to yell." The girl grumbled under her breath as she walked down the street kicking the snow covered ground slightly as she looked down at her feet.

She had found that looking at her feet helped ignore the cold stares and looks of disgust she got from the people she passed by.

"Look at her, she's evil in flesh and blood makes you wonder why the hokage ever agreed to let her enroll in the academy." She slightly glanced up to see two women whispering not so quietly amongst each other.

With a small sigh she began to walk faster making sure to glance up and make sure that she didn't run into somebody since that usually caused a bunch of trouble.

"Look at her, those eyes make you look dumb!" The blond girl stopped as she looked up, by the swings there was another little girl with short black hair being pushed to the ground by some boys.

For a moment she just stood there frowning slightly, she didn't like it, how they treated her.

"Hey leave her alone!" Without realizing she began running toward them yelling at them from the top of her lungs. She could feel the cold wind rushing to her lungs as she ran toward them, the boys looked up and frowned.

"Huh and what are you going to do about it piggy tails!" One of the boys yelled crossing his arms as he glared at her. "I'll... I'll beat you up!" She yelled back as she made it to where they were and stood in front of the black haired little girl so that she could protect her.

"Oh are you, well We're genin and your so small and weak." The other one smirked as he took a handful of her hair yanking it down making her fall.

"What were you saying about beating us up little girl." And with both began hitting her repeatedly, the other girl watched in horror getting up and trying to aid her but still in too much pain to help with much.

"S-stop I-it l-leave her a-alone !" The black haired girl stuttered as she tried to muster up enough courage to help out more.

"Can it hyuga or we will get you too!" One of them looked up and yelled at her scaring her and shutting her up.

"Let's go they're no fun." One of them said after they hit the blond girl more than multiple times.

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