Chapter Twenty Seven: Final Stand

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Third Person POV______

Naruto hissed as she stood up and prepared herself for the release of Kurama. "Bee, We will have to go all out." She yelled as she felt the massive amount of chakra leave her chakra system.

Kurama appeared behind her and snarled loudly as his eyes landed on the duo that stood on top of the juubi.

Madara grinned deviously as he saw the form of the Nine-Tails appear.

He let his eyes bleed red as he activated his mangekyo no Sharingan. He hissed in annoyance when he realized that Kurama made sure that he would not be able to see and kept his eyes closed.

With his sensing and his eyesight linked to Naruto, he would be able to move throughout the battlefield.

Naruto, on the other hand, extended her senses and bit her lower lip. Not all of the genin were out of the battlefield. She was trying to buy as much time as possible so that the more injured shinobi could be escorted out of the field.

"Dad, We have to get them away from the juubi." She yelled as she glanced over at her father who began to glow as he activated the Kyubbi coat on his end.

Minato grunted and nodded as he glared at Obito who snarled as he saw his former sensei.

"Tch. Then let's go. Kurama, Please deal with juubi we will try and get to the bastards." Sakura grunted as she fixed her gloves and glared at the Uchiha.

Soundlessly they dashed forward, countless Jutsu were thrown from behind them helping provide support against the few Zetsu that appeared. The Alliance was helping in the defense as Naruto, Minato, and Sakura went on the offense.

Soon there were giant ink constructs providing support from the air and Naruto couldn't help but smirk as she knew it was sai providing support. Team seven was well on its way to fight the battle. Only captain Yamato, Kakashi, and Sasuke were missing and the latter wasn't even that much of a teammate at the moment.

Naruto let out a war cry as she attacked the juubi and tried to get to where Obito and Madara were at but was pushed back by one of its massive limbs.

Giant wooden spikes were aimed at her and she had to skillfully dodge. That was until the earth shook from one of Sakura's punches and the Juubi was thrown out of balance. But the small slip was not enough to give them the upper hand.

The juubi roared as Kurama and Gyuki went on the offensive against the Juubi.

She could hear the massive explosions as the massive beasts fought. She was thrown back from the shockwaves of a tailed beast bomb that came from the juubi and she glanced to see where the bomb was thrown to.

Her skin crawled as she felt herself lose connection with the primary base of intelligence. She could feel panic swell in the pit of her stomach as she steadied herself. Her ears were ringing as she had to dodge a few more wooden spikes.

She was pulled back and Sakura rushed forward swinging with her fists and destroyed the spikes coming forward. "Watch it. Ya okay?" She asked as she placed a hand on Naruto. "Being so close to the beast bomb, it busted my eardrums. So I figured it did the same for you." She stated and Naruto licked her dry lips. "Thanks." she says as they both stood back to back as giant tree roots began coming out of the ground and attacked them.

Naruto hissed as she made sure to destroy the wood spikes as that came towards them. Chakra based attacks were not working on them so they were being forced to use explosive tags and kunai.

Naruto flinched as she felt a familiar presence approached and a small grin spread across her face as she viewed a black figure dropdown. "They drain chakra. Get on." Sai hissed as he used his tanto to cut through a few branches.

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