Chapter Twenty One- Clash of ideals

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Third person Pov_______

Aki held her brothers hand tightly. The entire village had roared in celebration, their village maybe destroyed but their spirits were high. Naruto didn't let her children leave her sight.

The two children were still weary but they had gotten somewhat better, They were small and although the emotions they felt in those traumatizing moments were there and the feelings lingered. There was very little chance they would remember all of the things that happened on the day of the attack.

"What do you mean Granny has gone into a coma?" Naruto hissed in a low whisper glancing at the twins who were laying on Kurama's fur.

"During the attack she used all of her chakra to protect the villagers and to supply ninja with chakra and heal them." Sakura spoke in a hush tone. The pink haired girl had her hair in a high pony tail and looked better than she had when Pain attacked. "She used nearly all of her chakra reserves and in such little time her chakra coils couldn't handle it and she fell into a coma." She added and sighed.

"If she is in a Coma then who is going to run the village." Naruto asked wide eyed. "Some ninja have been whispering and wanting you to take the hat but you are still young, some even suggested Sensei but they even deemed him to young. Danzo was elected and well you know that means trouble." Sakura grumbled.

Naruto stiffened and glanced at the twins, If the bastard tried anything with her children, she would not hesitate. "I see, Do you think he will try to..." She trailed off and Sakura stiffened understanding what Naruto was suggesting.

"Might, who knows what that Geezer is planning. But don't let those children leave your sight. It is dangerous and well don't do anything stupid or he might end up getting you some way." Sakura stated as stood up straight and crossed her arms.

"Sasuke. He might finally mark Sasuke as a rogue.." Naruto muttered in realization. Sakura glanced at her and cocked a brow. " I understand caring for him but he made his own choice and we can't keep protecting him Naruto. Is he even the same person we once knew? He had his revenge and yet he hasn't returned. We don't even know if it is him or Orochimaru anymore. " Sakura pointed out as she leaned slightly.

"I know but, I want to make sure before making my final choice. I guess I have been pretty blind sighted, ya know. I wish things were a little like they were back then, but will things ever be the same?" Naruto grumbled out.

"You want to move on?" Sakura asked and Naruto glanced at her. "Is it wrong that I might want to forget him? I love him so much but I don't even know how he feels about me. He's tried killing me twice and nearly succeeded once." She mumbled and Sakura sighed.

"You are too good for him, How an asshole piece of shit like him got a kind hearted girl like you is beyond me. I would have sent him to hell by now if I was in your shoes." Sakura gave Naruto a sideways glance. "You have so many admires and not just because of your beauty but because of your personality, the way you are just attracts people and I can't blame them for falling for you but honestly you can't just wait for him forever." Sakura finished off and let out another sigh.

"I'm going to help with construction and with the errands." She began walking away and Naruto watched her. Sakura was right and she knew that.


The village reconstruction had already begun. Naruto let her clones assist all around the village. Yamato was making wood and building houses.

Everyone was moving and aiding the construction. Children were in charge of helping the elder give out food and water. civilian women and men helped the shinobi in building although ninja handled the heavy lifting.

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