Chapter Five: Pervy Sage! Pervy Uchiha!

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We all stood in rows facing the Hokage. My heart was racing, we had done it. We had passed the second part of the chunin exams. I slightly glance at Sakura and Sasuke, she lookd pretty beat up, I kind of felt bad, if I hadn't passed out I would've been able to protect her and by what I had been told Sasuke had passed out as well and if it hadn't been for the other genin one of us would've been killed by the sound nin.

I smile widely as the old man Hokage stood infront of us. "You've passerd the second phase of the exams, I'm pretty sure you are all aware of the reasoning behind the exams." He spoke as he walked forward. "You've been told that it was to test your abilities against other genin from other villages, but it's more than that." He stated as he came to a halt a few meters infront of us. "The chunin exams are about showing other villages your military strength, this method is used instead of wars and conflict. You are demonstrating the strength of your village." He stated his face serious. "Now I've spoken to the proctors and it's been the decided that there have been too many contestants that have passed. From now on its every ninja for themselves, your defeats won't affect your teammates so any ninja who feels as if they aren't fit to continue this is your chance to drop out." He stated as he placed his pipe in his mouth.

I looked around wondering who would drop out.  I noticed a hand go up but I couldn't see who it was. I frowned why am I so short?!

"Kabuto, genin of the leaf you are dismissed." A Chunin called out. "Kabuto-Nii why are you dropping out? We already made it this far!" I ask falling out of line, he gives me a sheepish smile. "I'm all beat up, I hardly have any chakra reserves and I haven't been able to hear from my left ear since the attack I received in the first exam." He chuckeled nervously. "Besides my teammates can still make it through and I've done my best, I can try next year." He smiled as he turned and left. Well it's understandable why he droped out.

I turned back returning to my spot when I notice several other ninja droping out, they were pretty beat up. I saw Sakura whispering something to Sasuke and Sasuke getting pretty upset but I didn't hear them. "Sasuke please drop out your in no condition to fight." Sakura's eyes began to water he looked even more irritated. "Shut up about it." He hissed his grip on her hand tightened.

Had he gotten hurt in the forest? Even I become concerned, I was knocked out by the grass nin so I don't know what did happen. "Sasuke, she's just worried about you, if you're hurt too bad maybe you shouldn't fight." I say barging in, Sasuke turned glaring at me, his gaze soften a bit. "I'm fine besides I have people I want to fight, I also want to fight you Naruto, I want to see how you've improved." He gave a small smile.

I  couldn't help the big smile that came on my face. "Yeah I'll show you what I'm made of Uchiha."

The Hokage gave a short nod and the proctor started walking toward us, I could feel myself sweat drop when he coughed, he looked so sickly.

"I'm your proctor for this portion of the exams my name is  Hayate Gekkou, Your names will be picked at random and you will battle your opponent until the forfeit, killed or I call the match." He spoke his voice raspy and coughing every once in a while. 

"Please wait on the stands while your name is being called." he stated and we all retreated to the stands.

I stood beside Sakura. "Who do you think is going to go first." I ask her and she shrugs. "I'm not sure but I hope that..." she trailed off looking over at Sasuke worried.

"That what?" I ask her looking at the direction she had directed her glanced.
"Oh nothing." She smiled weakly and I frowned. "You know Sakura if something is bothering you, you can tell me." I say placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's fine Naruto... thanks." She gave me a closed eye smile.

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