Chapter Nine: Love is About Sacrifice

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"Hurry up Teme." I groan as I pull Sasuke through the streets our fingers interlocked as we passed the small crowds.

I glance back to see Sasuke smiling softly at me a bit of amusement flashing in his eyes he looked at me his head slightly cocked to the side . I couldn't help the blood that rushed to my face as he looked at me with such adoring eyes.

"What?" I asked huffing and pouting."I was just thinking about how adorable you look trying to get to the training grounds." He says and I could feel my cheeks flare a pinkish hue. "Don't say such embarrassing things teme!" I stutter out trying to avoid making eye contact. "I only speak the truth, some times I feel like I could look at you forever." He kept going and I couldn't help but look away , why did this idiot have this effect on me and how come I can never get over the little things he says.

"Hmm, but we are together all the time you should be used to me by now." I say in my defense and probably more to myself than toward him. "Well I don't and I hope I never get tired of looking at you." He chuckles lowly as he lightly squeezes my hand and I glanced at him noticing his sudden sad expression.

I don't reply but lightly squeeze his hand as well in reassurance.

We arrive at the training grounds and I see Hinata standing there waiting for our weekly spar. "Hina-chan!" I squeal as I gingerly let go of Sasuke's hand and run toward her tackling her in a bone crushing hug. "Naru-chan." she replied smiling as she hugged me back.

"Sasuke teme agreed to a three way spar for today's training." I say excitedly and I could see a ghost smile across her lips as she nodded. "Sounds fun, we could all test our abilities." She stated and I nodded rapidly.

I pull away and glance back at Sasuke.

Jumping back and away from both Sasuke and Hinata I spoke up. "Then what are we waiting for?" I let out a  laugh and landed in a defensive stance they both glanced at each other and went the opposite direction before getting ready to battle.

"The rules are no life threating wounds other than that we will use gen, nin, and taijutsu!" I yell and they nodded in agreement before we all rushed toward each other clashing against one another.

Hinata threw gentle fist palms at both Sasuke and I which we managed to avoid.

Sasuke avoided it due to his sharingan and I had enough spars against gentle fist that it was instinct reflex to avoid her chakra covered hands.

As I jumped up to avoid Hinata's attack Sasuke had ducked and quickly jumped up throwing a well aimed Kunai over Hinata towards me while I was falling back down from my jump, while he did this he placed a well aimed kick underneath Hinata's chin.

Thankfully I already had a kunai in hand and was able to deflect his attack and then threw the kunai at him while Hinata regained balance she quickly sent a kick at my unguarded middle sending me back a few feet.

I hissed and smirked as I saw the light cut on Sasuke's left cheek as we all stepped back and began battling each other once again. We weren't tag teaming or helping each other out we attacked and searched for openings and ways to use our opponents attacks to take control of the fight.

Sasuke was the hardest one to land hits on due to the sharingan while Hinata could try to predict our movements with the way our charka flowed using her amazing 360 vision while I had to rely on instincts and observe to give myself advantage in battle.

This went on for hours, I used shadow clones to throw Hinata off, and use as shields against the gentle fist style, and as a distraction to overwhelm Sasuke so that I could try to hit him from behind or do feints and non feints so that I could land hits on him.

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