Chapter Twenty Three: Child of mine

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( This chapter contains heavy themes, you have been warned)

Third Person POV__

Karin was carefully being carried by Kakashi of the sharingan. She watched the ninja around her with caution.

Sakura Haruno, Her vibrant green eyes and bright pink hair stood out to her. She could not help the uneasiness she felt around her though. That could be attributed to the fact that the Pink haired woman nearly stabbed her in the neck or how she tossed Sasuke around like a rag doll. But one thing was for sure. Karin did not want to get on her bad side.

Then there was Kakashi Hatake. She would be lying if she said that the tall white haired Jonin was not handsome, And she was on his back being carried and she could personally attest and say that the man was tall, handsome and well built. He had a slim thick body type and to be honest she felt that if given the chance she would melt like putty in his hands.

But that was beside the point other than his good looks and strong muscular body she knew he was a Genius and a strong shinobi. He was one of those super elite types and if his bingo book profile had any truth to it then it was better for her to comply quietly and not do anything to endanger herself ag

ain. At this point it would be clear suicide.

Then the last of the three. Naruto Uzumaki. Karin knew a bit about her clan due to her mother telling her. And she knew that the Uzumaki surname was not just for show, She could sense the blonde woman's reserves and knew that this woman was either a half blood who had strong Uzumaki genes or full blooded with a rare hair colored trait. Her mother had always said that the red hair had mutated to a Dominate gene at some point in their clans history.

Out of the three of them Naruto made her the most uneasy. Maybe if they had met in different circumstances she would be happy to find some semblance of family. But not only was she the woman she had loath, she turned out to be her fellow clanswoman.

She would not lie she had very mixed feelings about Naruto. For a while now she had seen her as her worst enemy, The woman who held the heart of the man she loved. But it was easier to hate someone you never met. Naruto had never done her any wrong, in fact she had helped her from the moment they met.

She had always imagined her to be some stupid annoying blond bimbo who would have a dark, repulsive chakra and a personality just as nasty. But oh how she was wrong.

Naruto's chakra was light and bubbly. It made her want to smile and sit in silence near her just to enjoy her presence. She had a stern, yet soft voice and although not graceful in a sense of ladylike she had this aurora of grace around her.

It pissed Karin off, no wonder Sasuke was so hooked on her. For a moment her mind wondered and her face twitched into a deep scowl.

Sasuke...... That damn, stupid, arrogant bastard. She knew she had a bad sense of men, somehow always attracting those that would cause her more bad than good. But for once Karin could truly say that she truly loath and hated someone.

She was going to sell that bastard out to Konoha, And if they executed him? Well that means one less bastard in the world. What can she say, who in their right mind would forgive someone for stabbing them in the chest and nearly killing them and leaving them for dead? Well Obviously not her. Oh well, she never considered herself a forgiving person anyway.

Karin slowly closed her eyes, breathing steadily. Her chakra was sealed, She was recovering from and injury and her theory was correct. She was with child and to make matters worse it belonged to that bastard.

Her mind was coming up with ways on how to abort the little abomination growing inside her. She could almost feel burning disgust in her stomach at the thought of having HIS child.

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