Chapter Twenty Eight: Break the Cycle

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Third Person POV:

"She's opening another portal!" Sasuke yelled as he dodged a few blows.

"Fuck! Kakashi block her!" Sakura yelled as she ripped a chunk of the ground and threw it up in the air.

Sasuke sneered as he jumped on the chunk of earth that Sakura had thrown up in the sky.

Kakashi grunted as he threw a few kunai in attempts to block Kaguya's retreat.

Kaguya sneered as she watched them try and attack her. The Goddess moved with ease as she blocked Sasuke's attack and then turned in time to dodge Naruto as she tried to attack her from behind.

Sakura was panting loudly as she watched them both miss. She grimaced as she sprinted forward. "We have to knock the bitch out of the sky." She hissed as she glanced at Kakashi who seemed to also be exhausted.

"They aren't that Taijutsu oriented. They use high-level Ninjutsu but she would be able to repel those kinds of attacks." Kakashi muttered, his voice sounded tired and raspy as he spoke.

Sakura glanced up and nodded. " They can't use the seals until the bitch stays still." she muttered as she watched them fight above her. Her eyes narrowed and she nodded.

"Regroup!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and the two of them made sure to disengage and fell back.

"You got anything?" Naruto called out as she spit out a mouthful of blood. "You guys get ready to use the seals. Kakashi, you back these two up. I'm going to make an opening." Sakura grunted as she moved forward.

She kneeled her chakra within her letting it move through her tenketsu and strengthen her body as much as she could. The diamond on her forehead began to glow and black lines covered her body as she sped forward. She hissed as she made contact with the Chakra Goddess. She tried not to expel too much chakra as she began a fast-paced battle.

She trusted that Naruto and Sasuke would take the opening when it came up.

Even as Kaguya dominated the fight she was slowly being pushed back. Sakura grinned as blood spilled through her teeth as she pushed her body harder. Goddess or not, Kaguya was no Taijutsu expert. She would push back this monster even if it killed her.

Kaguya screamed in anger as she was pushed back. "Mortal you dare strike a divine being!" Her voice rang loudly making the earth tremble as her face contorted to one of anger.

The goddess lashed out, she kneeled her chakra and the action itself was making Sakura falter.

Sakura was sweating, her body trembled and her blood ran cold. The immense chakra pressure she felt from being so close to Kaguya made her feel that her body would give out on her at any moment.

She tried to push it to the back of her mind as she lashed out angrily. "Damn you!" Sakura yelled out as she kneeled more chakra and tried to push her body forward.

"I will not be defeated by some mere mortal. Not again!" The woman screamed as she managed to push Sakura back.

Sakura grunted as her arm was dislocated, instead of falling back she pushed herself forward.

"Fuck you!!" Sakura screamed at the top of her lungs as she punched the goddess her fist landing on the woman's chin which sent her back.

That was all Naruto and Sasuke needed. They moved forward with their hands stretched out.

It seemed as if time had stopped. Sakura stumbled back relaxing slightly as Kakashi was able to grab her and pull her away from the furious goddess.

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