Chapter Ten: Mastermind with secrets

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I huffed as I handed old grandma Tsunade my mission report.

"Alright Naruto here's your payment for a B ranked mission." Baa-Chan handed me an envelope. "Thanks." I say taking it. "Your dismissed." She waved off and I smiled. "Bye granny!" I say hurrying out of her office threw her window.

It had been almost a month since Sasuke left. I had been okay, not completely back to normal but okay.

I had spent a week in the hospital since he did chidori me through the chest. I had been released and given another week for recovery.

I was jumping on the rooftops making my way to my apartment when I  noticed the door was open. For a second my heart sped up for some reason I wanted to believe that maybe Sasuke had returned, but deep down I knew it wasn't true but one could only hope.

I slowly opened the door, there was a faint smell of cooking. I wanted to see who it was so I took my shoes off and hurried inside.

"Naru your home." Hinata smiled from the kitchen as she gently stirred the food in a pot.

I couldn't help the slight disappointment that over came me when it wasn't Sasuke but honestly I had known that it wasn't possible for it to have been him.

"Yeah, so what you cooking?" I asked as I set my things down and plopped down on the couch. "Ground meat with ginger." She smiled.

"Sounds good." I grumble as I threw my jacket to the side and laid down on my back.

"So how was your mission?" Hinata asked as she turned the stove off and began serving our meal.

"Ran into rogue ninja, beat them up and finished my escort mission. Nothing out of the ordinary." I say leaving out a few key details.

"I'm glad your home safe and sound. Come here and eat your foods ready." She smiled as she set the table. "Thanks Hina-Chan." I say with a small smile as I got up slightly rubbing my bare stomach my shirt slightly lifted.

"Your seal is visible." Hinata stated cocking a brow. "What?" I asked confused as I looked down to see kurama's seal was visible. "Yeah it's probably nothing I'll check it later." I stated as I pulled my hand away and sitting down.

"itadakimasu" I say as I clasp my hands together.

"So how come you decided to come over today?" I asked as I began eating. "Well I know your not used to being all alone anymore and knew you could use some company and someone to greet you home." She smiled softly. I hadn't realized the tears streaming down my cheeks until it blurred vision.

"Uh thanks." I quickly say as I wiped my eyes. "It's what friends do." Hinata smiled not saying anything about my sudden outburst of tears. "Your a good friend Hinata." I say looking down at my plate when I felt her hand on my shoulder.

"What kind of friend would I be if I'm not there for you at your lowest." She stated with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. "Thanks." I muttered back as I ate.

We talked for a while eating and cleaning up. "I'll swing by some other time I have a mission tomorrow and will be gone for a while, you sure you'll be alright?" She asked and I nodded. "I'll be fine. Besides I'll have mission of my own." I say with rubbing the back of my head slightly. "Okay well take care." She stated pecking my cheek and leaving.

I sighed and closed the door.

'Okay kurama lets check the seal.' I say to him. On my past mission my chakra reserves were being drained not by an enemy but my own body.

'Okay kit, from my view it seems the seal is either taking in too much chakra or your body is using it for something else." Kurama stated as I lifted my shirt scanning over my seal.

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