Chapter Twenty Nine: Epilogue

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Third Person POV___

Nervous, that is what Sasuke Uchiha felt. It was an emotion that he hadn't felt in a long time. After leaving the village all those years ago he hadn't felt nervous like this. Not when he killed Orochimaru, not when he went to challange the 5 kage, not even when he went to join the war.

He had been imprisoned for a while, nearly two years as he was vetted and the village made sure he had no ill will against Konoha or the other villages.

Naruto was someone who'd visit often, she was still as kind hearted as when he had left. But she had also made it very clear that they would not ever get back together. He couldn't blame her, after everything she had gone through and even with the whole war still a bit fresh in her mind. He was lucky she even forgave him and promised to allow him to meet his children.

Soon the day had arrived. Sasuke was finally released from the prison. He was still going to be monitored and wouldn't be allowed to leave the village for a few more years but he was fine with that.

He didn't have to worry about money, as the sole heir of the Uchiha clan he had vast amount of money left behind by his clan and relatives. Also he had vast amount of land, he would rent some out to make a bit of profit from merchants and the village itself so he was not worried about his housing or money arrangements.

He walked through the village and people couldn't help but stare at him. He knew most of the shinobi barely trusted him, it was hard for them not to feel a bit of hatred or fear of him knowing that Sasuke had the same eyes as Madara the monster who had stood above thousands of corpses in the battlefield. The civilian were weary of him because the shinobi treated him different. It made Sasuke feel watched and isolated, but he ignored it as he walked towards Naruto's apartment.

Naruto would tell him about the kids and what they were like when she came to visit him. Sasuke always listened to her, he would smile as he thought of the children, he had grown to love them even if he hadn't met them yet.

He had finally understood what the second Hokage had told him, the Uchiha loved intensly and with all of their beings. He had come to realize that as he was sitting in prison. He loved them, he loved listening to what they did, what they liked, what they didn't like, he would always ask questions and Naruto was always happy to answer.

Finally, he stood infront of the apartment door. Nervous, he felt as if his stomach was churning and his hands sweating. Would they hate him?

He finally brought himself to knock and he could hear Naruto call out that she was coming. The door opened and they stood infront of each other for a few seconds. "Sasuke! They let you out!" Naruto exclaimed as she engulfed him in a hug. Sasuke hugged her back and grinned."Yeah, I'll be in probation so I can't leave the village but I'm free." He stated as he looked down at her.

He still loved her, he knew that. But he understood that she didn't want to be with him anymore and although that hurt him down to the core. He would respect her decision and let her move on.

"Come in." Naruto stepped to the side and let him in. "The kids are doing their homework from the academy." She stated as she let him in the house.

Sasuke nodded as he entered the apartment and took a deep breath. It smelled like naruto..... it smelled like home. He slid his sandals off and followed Naruto into the small coffee table that she apparently still used as a dinning table.

"Want some tea?" She asked and he hummed and nodded. She smiles as she tells him she will be right back as she heads into the kitchen.

Kurama takes it as his que to materialize and make an appearance. "Hmph so they finally let you out?" He asked and Sasuke nodded.

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