Chapter Fifteen: Double Trouble

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Third Person POV__________

Naruto had left for a mission and Hinata was babysitting the uchiha twins.

She sat quietly on the sofa as she watched both of them play with their toy shuriken and kunai.

"I am the Ryuu guardian, guardian of the Ryuu!" Aki squealed as her brother burried her in all of their toys and stuffed animals.

"All of the fangirls quiver before her!" Ryuu threw fake flower petals around her. "Fuck off!" She yelled making Hinata choke on her own spit.

"Aki-chan don't say things like that." She stammered out in shock.

"But Hina kaa-san the fangirls need to go away. I brother can't marry a fangirl." Aki stated in a worried tone. "That's fine and all but don't say bad words." Hina insisted.

"Okay!" Aki nodded in excitement. "Ne, Hina kaa-chan can we go play in the park." Ryuu asked and Aki gasped. "Oh please oh please. We promise to behave!" She jumped up out of the pile of toys making them fall around her.

"We will be good and not cause any trouble." They both latched onto her giving her puppy eyes. Hinata hummed and nodded. "I dont see why not, you two need to burn off some steam." She stated as she got up.

"Yay we are going to the park!" Aki yelped as she quickly jumped on the sofa and started skipping around the room.

"You two pick up your toys, I'll pack some snacks for you and drinks so we can have a little picnic." Hinata smiled. The twins looked at each other and smiled. "Hai." They scrambled to clean up.

Hinata let out a sigh and quickly went to the kitchen. How Naruto kept them in line was a miracle. Both liked doing what they wanted to do and that often included doing things they shouldn't do.

Both twins kept her on her toes. They both eagerly jumped around knowing what they were going to do, poor Hinata didn't even know the amount of trouble she was putting herself in.

They walked through the village, the twins looking around and marveling the colorful buildings as they asked Hinata what was sold in each store.

Hinata walked with them making sure to remind them not to stray to far from her. People turned and watched the three walk by. The Hyuga heiress and the Uchiha Twins walking down the street.

When they arrived at the park the twins rushed out to the monkey bars quickly climbing and playing their usual games.

They were like little energetic magnets. Hinata watched in amusement how other children were drawn to them and how easily they managed to make friends.

She could only guess that they inherited it from their mother being that their father had never been such a social butterfly. Well at least Aki, children instantly just wanted to play with her.

And if that wasn't enough the girl quickly took control deciding what they should play and do. Ryuu like always was more reserved but that was fine, at least he was a bit sociable.

Hinata watched as the children played ninja. It was obvious how much training Aki and Ryuu had compared to the other children.

They easily out maneuvered them. They had more upper and lower body strength than the normal civilian children. The way the jumped and leaped through the monkey bars and training obstacles in the playground made it painfully obvious.

Hinata took a deep breath and closed her eyes peacefully. One thing was for sure, they definitely had Naruto's energeticness and hopefully playing and burning off some energy could calm them down.

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