Chapter Three: Teme Teme Teme

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Tazuna was explains everything, well at least that's what it looked like since Kakashi sensei,Sakura, and Sasuke seemed to be understanding
whatever he said but I didn't get one word of what he said.

"But you don't have to continue the mission, I'll definitely be killed and my cute 10 year old grandson will only cry for a few days. And my daughter will forever live with a hatred toward the hidden Leaf Shinobi." Tazuna laughed, was he blackmailing us ?!

We all sweat dropped as Kakashi made the decision. "I guess we will finish it." He sighed.

And that's how we ended up here, on a boat to the wave country.

I looked up to see a massive bridge. "Wow look at that bridge guys!" I yelled out as I looked up only to be scolded by everyone.

Soon we were dropped off on a dock. "This is far as I go, good luck guys." The boat guy said as he sped off on his boat.

I couldn't help but glare at Sasuke, like hell I'll let him hog the spotlight and call me out again." I was super alert. We walked I was making sure I looked around and concentrated, I felt a chakra nearby, I turn and threw a shuriken.

It was silent for a moment. "Oh it was just a rat." I played it off as Kakashi scolded me saying that throwing shuriken was dangerous.

We all walked to check out what I had hit, I gasped as I saw an adorable bunny I had killed.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I squealed shaking the rabbit a bit. "Don't die fluffy rabbit!" I squealed as Sakura hit my upside the head. "Now look what you've done you Baka!" She scowled shaking her fist in the air.

"Gomen Gomen! " I cried when I heard Kakashi yell "duck!" Sakura instantly pushed me down. I had to pick myself off the floor and when I looked up I saw a ninja standing on a massive sword.

"Well Well look what we have here." He chuckled evilly. "You appear to be Kakashi of the Sharingan" The man cackled as he watched us.

"Before leaving the hidden mist I saw your information in a bingo book Kakashi the copy cat ninja, said to copy over 1,000 jutsu's."

I looked at Kakashi sensei wow Sensei was amazing, he's even in a bingo book and has a bounty.

"Well looks like I'm going to have to use this to fight you then." Kakashi said as he pulled up his headband.

Sensei's eye was a bright red with three comas on it. I furrowed my brows what the hell was up with his eye?!

"I see I get to see the infamous Sharingan so soon I should be honored." He smirked.

"Sharingan? Sharingan what the hell is it anyway?" I asked out loud

"It's a visual kekkai genkai just  like the byakugan but it can read and copy any genjutsu, taijutsu, or ninjutsu. But it's only suppose to appear in selected members of the Uchiha clan." Sasuke pursed his lips as he looked up at sensei.

"I have to kill that old man but it seems I have to kill you first Kakashi." The man smirked as he lifted his hand and must started to rise and it started getting extremely foggy.

"Hidden mist no jutsu." And with that he vanished in the thick fog.

"Momochi Zabuza, he was known as an expert at the silent killing, rumor has it you don't know you were killed until after you crossed the after life so stay back, protect Tazuna and don't get involved, this is the teamwork for this mission." Kakashi stated as he looked around.

I felt as if all my nerves were being crushed with the horrid killing intent in the air.

"Liver, lungs, spine,clavicle veins, jugular vein, or brain? Which one should I go for?" His eerie voice rang through the mist I looked around in horror, I couldn't locate him by sound.

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