Chapter Seven: Building up to fall

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"Great job Naruto now we won't be able to finish watching the movie." Sakura scolded as she crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think I was being that loud." I grumble huffing looking away. Sasuke stood quietly indifferent from our bickering.

"Kakashi-sensei said we needed to watch the movie in order to complete our next mission now thanks to you we got kicked out." She went on and on as she plopped back down on her spot in the bench.

"Don't sweat the little things dobe, it's not entirely your fault." Sasuke grumbled as he ruffled my hair and I sighed technically it was entirely my fault but I didn't want to admit that to Sakura.

"Thanks." I grumble pouting as he ruffled my hair, I had gotten used to it. I guess that's just something he did to show his affection instead of a kiss or a hug, but needless to say I found it comforting when he ran his cool fingers through my hair as tried to soothe me by telling me it was alright.

That's when Princess Gale the one we had seen in the movie suddenly galloped past us in a pure white horse behind her the sound of thundering footsteps and men followed.

I was taken back, could this be a real princess! But she was being chased down.

The three of us glanced at each other and sprang into action, Sakura and Sasuke began attacking the men while I went after the Princess. I moved quickly through the crowds which was fairly easy since they were trying to avoid being trampled by the speeding horse. "Hey you're princess Gale right?!" I called out to her but she swiftly maneuvered her horse to a different route ignoring everything I said to her, I couldn't help but become agitated.

"It's rude to plain out ignore people." I huffed as I  did a swift turn following her and catching up to her.

She glared at me and turned down another street. By the looks of it we seemed to be heading back to the place where Sasuke and Sakura had engaged battle.

"Hey are you deaf!" I yelled as I easily jumped on the back of the horse. "I saw your movie not long ago, man it was pretty cool though I didn't get to see the ending." I told her and she barely said anything before yanking the reins to roughly and both of us were thrown of the horse. I fell with a thud and I felt someone fall on me basically crushing me beneath them. "Y-you're heavy dattebayo!" I groan as she got off and I look around to see Sakura and Sasuke had tied everyone up.

"Really Naruto." I heard Sakura getting ready to scold me but before she could we heard a familiar voice. "Well seems like you three met the next client." We looked up to see Kakashi sweat dropping.

To be honest during Sasuke's stay in the hospital he had started acting weird but we talked things out and after the outburst and fight we had he seemed to calm down.

I understood he had been on edge at first from the run in with Itachi and he explained to me what had happened when he passed out and how he was forced to relive that day. It took a bit for me to forgive him but soon things had settled and we all began training, working on our team work, and rebuilding the village.

Soon enough we were back to doing missions and trying our hardest, but that's not all Sasuke and I went on plenty dates and trained together at the moment things were fine.

"These are the clients that hired us for an escort mission to the land of snow." Kakashi stated as we sat in the studio with the camera crew, producers, director, actors and their managers. "So we have to escort the Princes Gale actress?!" I squealed happily and Kakashi redundantly nodded and began explaining the situation but I was to busy poking Sasuke and messing with his hair to really listen.

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