Chapter 4 - Christmas!

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Shortly after, Sans and Frisk appeared back within the living room of their house. Papyrus could be heard humming from within the kitchen, as he was most likely preparing himself some spaghetti. After all, there wasn't a whole lot to do on the surface at the current point in time... But even so, he was still finding some ways to occupy himself during the Christmas break. Toriel liked to have Papyrus, and maybe even Sans, at the school from time to time to help the kids. Sans wasn't always there though, because of his laziness. 

After they had appeared, Sans was already making his way across the room, to probably go to his room and sleep, like he usually did. Frisk bit her lip in thought.

"Sans!" She called after him. Stopping in his tracks, he turned to face her with his hands in his pockets. 

"what's up?"

Still continuing to frown, Frisk walked right up to him and pouted in thought. Sans gave her a look of confusion as a sweat drop slowly slid it's way down the side of his face."what? why are you lookin' at me all funny?"

Frisk crossed her arms. "Well, I wanted to ask you, are you okay? You know, after you being 'sick' and after that night where you..." Frisk trailed off, thinking back to the night when Sans attacked her. She wasn't mad at him for it, but she felt like it was a little more than him just being "sick". He rose his eyebrows.

"o-oh... yeah i'm fine why do you ask?"

"Well, you always like to seem to make sure I'm okay. I just want to return the favor, as we're friends and we're there for each other. It's just sort of been at the back of my mind since that night, and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"o-oh" Sans managed a small smirk. Raising his hand, he ruffled Frisk's hair. "well thanks a lot kiddo. but i'm fine. there's no need to worry."

Frisk grinned. "Well, then good."

"HUMAN! SANS! HAVE YOU COME BACK?" Suddenly walking out through the archway in the wall to the kitchen, Papyrus stood in a cooking apron. Frisk and Sans were about to reply to him, when none other than Mettaton appeared from the kitchen behind him.

"Darling~! Welcome home!" Mettaton's voice boomed. Frisk managed a small smile.

"U-Uh... Hey Mettaton. How are you?"

"Oh~! I am just fabulous~! I just wanted to drop by to see my sweet Papyrus here, and you two of 'course. With Christmas coming up and all."

"oh? are you not gonna be here on christmas mettaton?" Sans wondered. Mettaton shook his head, placing his hands on his hips. He looked almost heart broken by this fact.

"No, afraid not. I know you darlings will miss me, but I won't be gone for too long. I just have to do some touring to various different places. After all, the people love me."

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