Chapter 12 - Made To Be A Monster

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  The rest of the day, Frisk spent time trying to think about what Toriel and Sans were talking about. She wondered if it was serious, or even any of her business. But she couldn't help but feel curious.

Frowning, she stared up at her bedroom ceiling, through the darkness in thought. She was feeling pretty restless, and felt like she couldn't sleep. No matter how much she turned in her bed, she couldn't get comfortable.

Letting out a sigh of annoyance, she sat up in bed. She decided to climb out of bed and switch on the bedroom light. Grabbing her pillow and her blanket, she dragged them across the room and opened her door. Feeling a little hesitant, she took several steps down the hall to go to Sans' room. She opened the door.

"Sans...? Are you still awake...? I can't sleep..." She muttered. However, she got no response. Which meant Sans must have been asleep. She sighed. Just as she was about to turn around and try to go to Papyrus' room, she heard him mutter something. Turning back to look inside his room in confusion, she bit her lip in thought.

"Sans..?" She repeated. She could definitely hear him saying something. Slowly walking into the room, she came close to Sans' bed, and could just make out the shape of his body under the covers in the dark. Some of the light from the hall, was shining onto Sans' face. Luckily, it didn't seem to wake him up. Frisk frowned, seeing that he looked quite shook up and frightened. He was also shaking. He looked like he was having a nightmare, which would've explained the mumbling. Once again, she exhaled.

"You've been having nightmares too, Sans...? Why didn't you just say so...?" She muttered, walking over to the side of his bed.

Trying not to wake him, she lightly climbed into bed beside him and placed her pillow down under her head. Luckily, there was just enough room for her to fit in. She noticed him stir a little, but he didn't seem to wake up.

Turning onto her side and facing him, she stared at him, a sullen look across her face. She slowly moved her arm and put it over him, to slightly pull him into a hug. She propped herself up on her elbow for a moment, and leaned forward and placed a kiss on Sans' forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Sans..." She whispered, trying not to wake him. Even though Sans was asleep, he looked like he seemed to relax a little. Smiling, Frisk led back down on her side, with her arm still around Sans. Feeling utterly exhausted, she finally felt her eyes closing, and she drifted off to sleep...


Not again... She thought. Frisk could see herself standing in utter blackness once again. No matter where she looked there was nothing but dark. Dark, dark, dark. She could hear the tapping of someone's feet on the ground behind her. When she turned to look, the image around her swirled and changed before her very eyes. Her eyes widened in shock to see she was back in the brightly lit, red and orange tiled hall, with the birds chirping outside.

Standing opposite her was Sans. The look of utter disgust was upon his face, as his eye glowed the brightest shade of blue she had ever seen.

"Sans!" She shouted across to him. Her voice echoed and bounced against the walls, but despite that, she felt like it had no effect. Sans was forming a gaster blaster above his head, as he shouted the words: "YOU DIRTY BROTHER KILLER!!"

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