Chapter 10 - You're So Gullible

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  During the middle of the night, Frisk started to come to. She raised her eyebrows in surprise, seeing the dark around her. It was luckily just lit enough for her to be able to make out the image of Sans' bedroom around her. Feeling a little worried, she sat up in thought, thinking whether or not to wake Sans just so she wasn't awake and alone in the middle of the night. After all, he did say that she could wake him if she needed him. She was sure that this applied for this situation too.

Shuffling her position, she turned to try and wake Sans. Her small hand reached out to touch his shoulder, only to feel nothing. She fell forward in surprise, landing in Sans' spot. He wasn't there. Her eyes widened.

She looked all around the room, and even tried searching under the flat covers as if that would make a difference. But no matter what, Sans was nowhere to be seen. She was sure he would stay by her side all night, even if he woke up. She was sure he wouldn't go anywhere without at least letting her know first.

Okay... Calm down, you're being ridiculous now.. She thought to herself. He's probably just gone to the kitchen to get a late night snack or something... He'll be back soon... It's fine... She continued to try and convince herself.

But when she waited, seconds turned to minutes. Minutes turned to what felt like hours. She wasn't even sure how long she had been waiting now. But no matter how much she stared hopefully into the darkness, her monster friend didn't return.

"Sans...?" Her shaky voice murmured. No answer. "Sans...?" She repeated. Still, nothing. She felt her entire body shaking now in fear. She was scared to be alone in the dark. It reminded her of the past of when she felt herself surrounded by nothing but black, as she saw her friends get murdered right before her eyes. All because of that girl... Chara...

Frisk wanted to try and make Chara see what she did was wrong. She wanted to try and convince Chara that she could be a better person, if she could just try.... She learnt that from Sans. She always remembered that same question he always asked her, back in the underground.

"do you think even the worst person can change? do you think anyone can be a better person, if they at least try?"

But Frisk always laughed that off, thanks to the curse that hung upon her shoulders. Chara.

Letting out a sigh, she rubbed her hands together, still waiting for Sans to return.

"It's hopeless." A voice was heard. Frisk felt her body twitch in horror, at the sound of that voice. She recognized that voice...

"Do you really think he's going to come back for you? Do you REALLY believe anything he tells you? You're really that gullible, aren't you?"

"W-What...?" Frisk stuttered. Her innocent, light coloured eyes, were met by bright glowing red ones, which pierced their way through the darkness. When she was close enough to Sans' bed, her face could be made out. Short, shoulder length brown hair... With those blood-red eyes and that evil, toothy smirk. It was Chara...

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