Chapter 11 - The Full Horrid Truth

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  Sitting at the table, Frisk was eating a bowl of cereal, opposite Papyrus who was also sitting at the table looking at a newspaper. When Frisk had almost finished, Sans came through into the room with his bottle of ketchup in hand.


"hey, i was simply killing time. we'll get there in time." Sans grinned over to Frisk and she smiled back knowingly.


"heh, thanks bro." Sans chuckled, patting his brother on the back as he passed by, which seemed to tick Papyrus off a little. Sans stood just beside Frisk who had now finished her cereal. "you ready to go kiddo?"

Frisk nodded. "Yup! All ready!" She chimed, standing up in front of him. He nodded.

"cool. hey bro, i think tori is gonna need my help at the school today. you gonna come or what?"

"I THINK IF I WAS GOING, I WOULD HAVE GONE BY NOW, UNLIKE YOU. DON'T YOU THINK?" Papyrus said, putting his newspaper flat on the table and looking at Sans as if HE was the simple one. Sans laughed.

"yeah, i guess you're right. i'm such a numbskull." Sans winked at Frisk as he said that and Frisk giggled.

"WELL YOU SAID IT, NOT ME." Papyrus replied, picking his newspaper back up.

Both feeling in a good mood, Sans and Frisk made their way to the front door and stepped outside. After closing it behind them, Sans held out his hand to Frisk for her to take it. Smiling, she took his hand and they both took a 'shortcut' to school.


Landing in a blue flash of light just outside the school, Toriel spotted the two of them just as she was standing outside waiting for the rest of the children to come in. Sans and Frisk were the last two and Toriel flashed them a look of annoyance.

"You two are almost late. You're lucky you just made it in time."

"Sorry mum." Frisk answered sheepishly. Sans scratched the back of his head with a nervous chuckle.

"yeah, sorry tori, it's kinda my fault. i finally came out of my room at a late time. the kid here was already up and ready to go. i'll try better next time."

"I hope you will." Toriel said seriously, as she turned around inside. Frisk and Sans shared a look, just before they started to follow Toriel into the school to get on with class.


Class went by pretty quickly, and it was now recess. Frisk was spending her time playing with some of the other kids, as Sans sat by a tree watching them all. He let out a small sigh as he closed his eyes, feeling pretty relaxed.

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