Chapter 22 - Crying Is Okay

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  "So uh, where exactly are we going?" Asgore wondered, as Frisk, Toriel and him were walking down the street the very next day. Humans kept passing them by every so often and kept eyeing the three of them every now and then. People were obviously going to have to get used to this whole thing...

"Oh, Asgore. Trust you to be the one to go and ask questions. Frisk said it's a surprise. So let it be a surprise, will you?" Toriel hissed at her ex-husband. Asgore sighed in exasperation, as did Frisk.

"Guys... Can you not argue on the way there? You two promised me." Frisk pointed out, as they continued to walk to their destination.

"We're not arguing... I'm just simply reminding... Asgore here, your intentions... Now, are we almost there?"

Frisk exhaled as they came to a stop outside a fancy looking restaurant. "We're here." She said.

"Huh? This place looks fancy. And what exactly are we doing here then, Frisk?" Asgore tried to ask as cheerily as possible, hoping that Toriel wouldn't shoot him down. Luckily, she made no negative remark, as Frisk explained.

"Well, I wanted to treat you two to dinner for being such good--" Just as she was speaking, her phone started to ring. Trying to look surprised, she took out her phone and saw Papyrus was calling her. She quickly answered it.

"Hello...? ....Papyrus? ....What? .....Ugh, I told you, not to touch it! ....YOU'VE BROKEN IT?! ....Ugh... Alright, alright... I understand, I'll be there in a minute." Exhaling, she hung up and gave the two an apologetic smile.

"Sorry you two, seems like you'll have to eat without me." Frisk said. Asgore and Toriel gave each other a look, then looked back towards Frisk. "Please, for me." Frisk beamed, her eyes shining. Toriel rubbed her eyes in irritation and nodded.

"Alright, alright. Fine, we'll accept. But only because I am doing this for you, child." Toriel said. Frisk clapped in delight.

"Awesome!" She cheered. "If I manage to come back in time, I'll be sure to eat with the both of you... Now go on, in you go!" She cried, already starting to push the two through the front door. Smiling with glee, Frisk quickly ran a little further down the street and around the corner, to go through the backdoor of the restaurant.


Coming through the back door and stumbling into the 'staff only' area, Frisk found Sans, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He was wearing a long sleeved white shirt with black trousers and one of those black, vest like tops that waiters wear on top of long sleeve shirts. Frisk thought he looked really cute in it.

"Sans! That outfit suits you so well!" Frisk squealed. Sans rolled his eyes, as if he looked like he couldn't stick it. However, Frisk could tell that he was maybe enjoying it just a little.

"yeah, yeah. you're lucky a friend from the underground was able to help us out here with this whole thing, otherwise we couldn't have pulled this off."

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