Chapter 19 - Stargazing

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  Frisk sighed, hugging her coat around her. She had no idea how long she had been walking for, but crazily enough, she had found herself outside, across from Asgore's castle. She sat down on the floor, with a sigh.

"I just want everything to go back to the way it used to be..." Frisk mumbled.

"frisk!" She heard Sans' voice call her. With her eyes widening, she quickly stood up and turned around to see Sans standing a few feet away.

"How did... How did you find me?" Frisk frowned. Sans took several steps forward so he and Frisk were now in proper talking distance.

"well, i saw your footprints in the snow and tried to follow them. once i lost track of where you went, i asked around to people who saw you. they said you came down here... what are you doing out here, anyway?"

"I... Uh..." Frisk looked down. "I don't know... I wanted to clear my head I guess..." She mumbled, as she sat back down. Sans sat down next to her, looking around at the stars.

"yeah, you've been acting kinda weird for a long time. what's up with you kiddo? you act so weird around me from time to time. i mean, i know we had bad times in the past timelines but... we're doing better now. i don't think that was who you really are in those past timelines. someone had to be controlling you or something. it's just not like you to hurt someone. it doesn't seem like it, anyway."

Frisk chuckled. "You know... I thought you might say something like that..." She replied, remembering him saying that very same thing to her before. She looked at him sadly as he stared back feeling bewildered.

"i honestly feel like there's something i'm missing... and i feel like you're hiding it from me... what flowey said earlier, he saved me before? what was he talkin' about? i feel like you two both know something but you don't want to say what is up."

"Sans, believe me, you do not want to know." Frisk said. "It's not... It's not important..."

"if it wasn't so important, you wouldn't be this way about it and try to hide it from me, would you? trust me kid, it's not like you have to tell me everything. just tell me what's gettin' you so upset. even my puns don't seem to work as well nowadays. sometimes i feel like i'm not humerus enough for you."

Frisk chuckled.

"Believe me Sans, I WANT to tell you but... I just feel like if I do, you'll remember exactly what you DON'T want to know..."

"you don't know what will happen until you tell me. just go on. just tell me."

Frisk frowned. She didn't understand why Sans seemed so eager to want to know what she was thinking. It was unlike him. Usually if you didn't tell him something, he might leave it for quite awhile. Then he'd either forget or come back to it later. But right now he was just pushing and pushing. She didn't really know why...

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