Chapter 20 - The Plan Of Romance

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  It had been two more months of spending time in the underground, until Frisk was finally able to get past Asgore and break the barrier.

Frisk had to admit, trying to take on Asgore, again, was pretty freakin' tough. Just as she remembered. But she was glad to have beaten him. And the best part was, there was no taking on Flowey!!

Even though Flowey still didn't really seem to like them, and there was the occasional argument between Sans and him, Flowey had seemed to become accustomed to life with Frisk, and was maybe even learning to tolerate her a little.

Not Sans though. Those two still weren't getting on at all. At least, not until recently.

Frisk thought at some point they were going to try and have a full on battle when Sans had formed a gaster blaster on him at one point. It was lucky Frisk was able to stand in the middle of it all to stop it. So that was a relief.

Anyway, they were now once again trying to enjoy life on the surface. Frisk was starting to feel much more safe in this timeline, than she had in past timelines. Which was great.

Though, Frisk was still trying to get used to the fact that she and Sans were sorta together. Which was awesome!! But they hadn't really told anyone about it yet, because they didn't want anyone making a big deal. Especially Toriel..

"she might suspect something is up but... i don't really want her to know yet, if that's cool with you. i know i'll only get the 'if you hurt my daughter' talk and i'll feel like that'll put a lot of pressure on my part." Sans had told her. Frisk chuckled.

"Alright, I understand. Yeah, I can see Toriel being a bit weird about it to be honest. Seeing as she's my mother and all... But she's only trying to look out for me." Frisk laughed.

"i know... tori is great. i just don't wanna be scowled about it... at least, not yet."

"Haha, okay."

So, for now, Frisk's and Sans' relationship was kiiiinda a secret. But it's not like they really did anything mushy together. After all, Sans was a skeleton, so.... You kinda get the jist of things.

But Frisk loved all the cuddles and the staying up late and talking. Frisk even gave him the occasional kiss, even if Sans had no lips. She just loved the look he got on his face. He would look so nervous, it made her laugh.

As they were now just moving up to the surface, Sans and Frisk were laying around the house, after packing everything. They had managed to pack pretty quickly, with Sans' special power. So they had a lot of time to kill until Papyrus and the others were ready to come up with them. Sans was lying on the living room rug, with boxes around him. He was drinking ketchup in thought and turned his head over to see Frisk looking at a magazine. She flipped a page.

Propping himself up onto his elbow, he rested the side of his head in his hand as he stared at her. He continued to drink his ketchup as he continued to glance towards her.

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