Chapter 26 - DETERMINATION [Final]

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  "Alphys open up!!" Frisk shouted, knocking on Alphys' door. There was a few seconds until Alphys opened the door, seeing Frisk looking utterly panicked.

"W-What is it?" She stuttered.

"Alphys, please, PLEASE tell me you have that machine that can restore monsters' bodies and bring them back." Frisk quickly said.

"H-Huh? How do you know about that old thing? O-Of course I still h-have it. W-Why?"

"Gaster told me about it. It's Sans." She said, showing Alphys the visible soul in her hands. Alphys' eyes widened behind her glasses.

"O-Oh! I see! Quick, c-come in and f-follow me! It's just in this room h-here!" Alphys said, allowing Frisk to come in and leading her across the another room which had a lot of technology type of stuff inside.

There was one big machine that looked like one of those X-ray things that you got at the hospital. The type that you had to lie on and then you would go inside and it would make weird creepy clanking noises as you were inside.

"J-Just put the stuff from Sans' old body into this thing here. It will try to r-recreate his structure exactly the same as the original. And then put his soul inside along with it. G-Gaster was super smart s-so he was able to create really h-high tech stuff l-like this."

Frisk nodded, doing exactly as Alphys said, putting the dust into this square like machine, which was next to the machine that looked like the X-ray machine. She also placed the soul inside and after a few seconds, it started to shake violently.

"Y-You uh... Might wanna c-close your eyes for a m-moment. There will be a b-big flash." Alphys said closing her eyes. Frisk quickly went and did the same, just as there was a huge flash of light which lit up the whole room.

Just as it started to fade, Frisk could see smoke coming from the weird X-ray looking machine. The bed started to slowly move itself out, taking something out with it. A figure lying on the white bed could be seen slightly visible behind all the smoke.

When the smoke finally cleared, Sans' face came into view. He had his eyes closed and he was absolutely still.

"Sans!" Frisk cried, running over to him. She placed her hands on either side of his face. "Sans! Can you hear me?!"

Alphys frowned, looking at the machine. Frisk turned to look over her shoulder towards Alphys. "How long does it take for him to wake up?"



Alphys hesitated. Pushing her index fingers together, she bit her lip in thought. "H-He should have woken up a-already..."

Frisk's eyes widened, as she glanced back at Sans. "Sans, can you hear me? ...Sans! .....SANS!" Frisk shouted. Her lip started to quiver, when she saw that she wasn't getting no response from him. She shook her head in horror, as she slumped over his still body and cried on his chest. Bursting into tears, Frisk shook feeling utterly horrible. She promised she would save him...!

Undertale - Fight For Your Future [Frans] [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now