Chapter 9 - I'm Here

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"thanks for the ketchup grillby..." Sans murmured, holding a ketchup bottle in his hand, as he was sitting at the bar. Grillby crossed his arms as he stared back at Sans.

"It's okay. But, you've been here for a few hours now, Sans. Don't you think you should head back now? Frisk is probably worried about you."

"heh. i'm sure the kid is fine. if she was worried about me, don't you think she would be here by now?" Sans grimaced as Grillby frowned in return.

"I just don't think she's aware of where you are. I mean--"

"SANS!!" A small voice bounced against the walls, which caught everyone's attention. Everyone, including Sans and Grillby, turned to look to see Frisk standing in front of the entrance door, with tears streaming down her face. Sans' eyes widened a little as she ran at him and practically dived at him for a hug.

"I'm sorry!" She cried, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She kept repeating. Sans didn't answer for a short moment, until he started to lightly ruffle her hair to calm her down.

"hey... come on kiddo, don't go cryin' on me now. otherwise you'll have me going too." He joked, pulling his hand away as she looked up at him with big watery eyes.

"I was so horrible to you though! You should at least be a little angry! Don't 'kiddo' me!" Frisk frowned. Sans shook his head, a pleasant look across his face.

"i don't need to be angry, frisk. and i'll tell you why on our walk back home." He turned back towards Grillby. "again, thanks for the ketchup grillby. i'll see you again some other time."

Grillby nodded. "Feel free to drop by whenever you like."


After closing the door behind them and leaving Grillby's, the two of them started to walk and talk on their way back home.

"So... Why...? Why are you being so nice to me about it?"

"well kid. i seem to believe that chara is messing with us."


"she's not with me anymore. at least, i don't feel her presence on my shoulders anymore. i think she's floating between the both of us, or anyone she can get her hands on to mess with us... and i don't know how to fix it."

"How could that argument we had be the fault of Chara?" Frisk wondered feeling confused.

"well, i'm not completely sure to tell you the truth. but, i do think that chara might somehow be able to intensify our negativity in some way. i'm not completely sure how it would work... but she's a wondering soul. at this point i'm ready to believe anything."

"Yeah, I see your point..." Frisk muttered. "Sans...?"


"I'm really worried about everything that's going on... It seems like too much has been going on lately, and it's really scaring me... I hate the thought of Chara trying to mess with my mind... I still remember how I felt when she did it in the past timelines. How she messed with my head, and put me in utter darkness... I lost everything... I... I can't have that happen again... I don't want to hurt any of you guys again... It'll break my heart... And I don't want to have to go through having another reset... I like things the way they are now."

"i know frisk... me too..." Sans muttered, putting his arm across her shoulders. "me too..." He repeated.


Later that night, Sans was in his room about to get into bed. Just as he was going to climb under the sheets, he heard his bedroom door creak open, which revealed a small line of light into his room. Turning around in surprise, he saw Frisk standing a little hesitant, between the door and the actual door frame. Sans looked at her in wonder.

"what's up kiddo?" He casually wondered. "i was just about to go to sleep."

"I know..." Frisk simply answered. "Uh..." She opened the door further and took a step in holding a pillow and a blanket. "Can I come in with you?" She wondered.

"huh?" Sans looked at her in surprise as she frowned.

"Truthfully, I'm feeling a little on edge about... Just about everything... So I was wondering if I could stay with you? Just for tonight." She asked. Sans felt himself relax a little and he gave her his usual, kind look and nodded.

"sure kid. i'm sure there's enough room for the both of us." He replied, waving her over. Closing the door behind her, she walked further into the room as Sans climbed into bed. When he was ready, she climbed in beside him, placed her pillow down and pulled her blanket close to her. She curled up into a small ball, as she stared into the darkness. She felt herself slightly tense up when she felt something brush past her shoulders, but then started to realize that it was only Sans giving her a hug. Feeling him pull her a little closer to him, she felt herself start to relax a little more and her breathing calmed.

"don't worry frisk." He calmly mumbled, sounding tired. "if you need anything in the night, don't feel scared to wake me up.. i'll be right here."

"I know..." Frisk whispered, feeling a small smile creep across her face. She was so grateful to Sans for everything he did for her. "Thanks a skele-ton, Sans..." She joked. A small, but brief chuckle escaped from Sans' mouth.

"good one kid... night."

"Night..." She replied, feeling herself slowly drifting off to sleep.

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