Chapter 13 - Let's Save Him, Together

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  Limping her way to the house, she pounded her fist on the door. "Papyrus!! Papyus! Open up! Please!"

To her shock, the door flung open to reveal Mettaton. At that moment, Mettaton picked her up and brought her inside, a huge smile on his face.

"Darling~! I have returned! I have been wanting to tell you ALL about my trip!"

"There's no time for that!" Frisk cried at him, as he put her down on the ground. "Where is Papyrus?! We need to get out of here, now!" She continued.

"W-What?" Mettaton stuttered confused.


"P-Papyrus... I don't know how to explain this to you but... Your brother... He..."

Before Frisk could explain, a loud explosion erupted throughout the house. The front door had been blown off by a huge blast. All three of them stood horrified, as Sans came in through the hole in the wall which he had created with one of his gaster blasters.

"Sans... Please... If you're in there, you have to listen to me! You have to! This isn't you! Fight against Chara! Please!" She screamed.

Her heart sank, when the look in Sans' eye didn't change at all. He wasn't fazed at all. It was like how Frisk used to be. Chara had complete control.

"YOU TWO, GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!" Frisk screamed at her two friends. They stood, wondering what to do.

"WHAT? SANS? ARE YOU OKAY? WHY DID YOU BREAK THE DOOR DOWN?" Papyrus asked, taking a step around Frisk and standing in front of her. Her eyes widened.

"Papyrus, no!" She shouted, trying to pull him back. Before she could do anything, Sans was already aiming his gaster blaster at the group. She gritted her teeth in horror.

"SANS?" Papyrus' voice shook. All of a sudden, Sans formed several bones in midair, just over his head. Papyrus' eyes widened.

Seeing the bones fly towards Papyrus, Frisk couldn't believe what had happened next. She fell to her knees in dismay.

Mettaton had jumped before Papyrus to try and save him from the bones that could cause fatal injuries. But it didn't matter. Mettaton's mechanical body wasn't enough to stop them from getting through to Papyrus. Papyrus fell back in shock, as he looked hurt and betrayed by his own brother. He fell to the floor, staring up at Sans.

"S-SANS...? THIS ISN'T LIKE... YOU... SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG... I KNOW THIS ISN'T YOU... SANS..." His voice soon faded to nothingness, just like his body, which ended up falling to dust.

Frisk stared in utter disbelief at what had just happened. She failed at protecting her two friends. Sans turned his attention towards her. For a moment, Frisk could have sworn she saw a strange look cross his face. She knew he was trying to fight against her.

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