Chapter 15 - Greeting A "New" Pal

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Opening his eyes with a start, Sans stared around at the trees around him. He was leaning against the trunk of a tree, with his hands in the pockets of his blue jacket. He had heard the small sound of a branch cracking underneath someone's foot.

Narrowing his eyes, he started to follow after whatever created the source of the sound. He could see a small shadow a couple of steps ahead. Trying to catch up on the unknown figure, he kept ducking behind trees every time they turned around. He wanted to try and catch up to them before they noticed he was there.

Whoever he was following, they were short. They had short brown hair, with a blue, pink stripped jumper. They looked like a child... Human? Sans watched them, feeling curious.

He remembered his good friend, Toriel, mentioning that if a young child had ever passed through there, she wanted him to look after them. No matter what it took. He had to only assume that this was the young child that she had spoken of.

Taking his hand out of his pocket, he pulled out a whoopie cushion and a playful look spread across his face. He continued to follow the human, until they eventually stopped at a very small bridge.

They didn't move. They just... Stood. Still. Almost maybe as if they had felt like someone was following them.

Since they had stopped, Sans decided now was the time. He took several more steps forward, and came to stand behind this young human. The human slowly turned around. They stared at this comedian, with their eyebrows raised.

"hey." He said, holding out his hand. "don't you know how to greet a new pal?"

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