Chapter 8 - Sudden Outbursts

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  Teleporting back at their house, Frisk crossed her arms and pouted in annoyance. Why did Sans seem so angry when she wanted to know who Gaster was? Sans knew him. It seemed like he did, otherwise he wouldn't be so defensive about it. But what was there to keep a secret? Whatever happened between the two, was it really that bad that Sans just didn't want to talk about him anymore.

Frisk knew it was probably pretty selfish, but almost the moment they got back, she stormed off into the kitchen to grab herself a snack. Sans seem to notice that she seemed to be pretty frustrated and followed after her.

"listen kid, i'm sorry about the way i snapped at you back there... it's just... i don't like to talk about the guy. he's bad news."

"Why?" Frisk demanded, rather than asking. She held a chocolate bar in her hand, which she unwrapped and bit into it. Her face lit up for a moment because of the taste, but almost straight afterwards she was back in a strop again. Sans narrowed his eyes.

"listen kiddo, sometimes some things are better when they're left alone. you don't have to know everything about me just 'cause we live in the same house or just because we're 'friends'. even friends keep things from each other frisk. even if you don't believe that is true. there are probably things you've never wanted to tell me."

Frisk knew he was right. There were things that she kept to herself from time to time, that she didn't want to talk to him about. But she always ended up talking to him about it anyway.

But even though what he said was truthful, and she knew it, she still made a face and replied. "No." She lied, throwing the empty wrapper in the bin beside her. Sans looked at her in doubt.

"no?" He repeated. She nodded, her eyebrows twitching. Sans sighed and took his hands out of his pockets.

"okay, then what about the time when you were so upset because you thought i hated you. you never told me about that until i noticed something was up. and the necklace you had. you never told me anything about that, until it was too late." He said, counting each thing on his fingers. Frisk stomped her foot in anger.

"That's different!" She shouted. He rolled his eyes.

"how in the world is that 'different'? please explain how that is different frisk 'cause you're totally tripping me out."

"Ugh!! It just... It just is! We're friends Sans! I hate the feeling I get when you don't want to talk to me! We're supposed to tell each other how we're feeling! We're supposed to be best friends Sans, and yet I hardly know anything about you! You always keep to yourself and you're always in your room or at Grillby's! It's all you ever want to do! You act as if life is all sunshine and butterflies 24/7, when there are really things on your mind that you just don't seem to want to talk about! So why?! Why, Sans?! Why?!" She cried.

"BECAUSE IT'S NOT LIKE YOU WOULD REALLY UNDERSTAND!!" Sans snapped at her with a dark tone. The white pupils in his eyes were gone, once again leaving the dark empty sockets. Frisk slightly cowered back towards the wall in fear and frowned. Sans sighed and shook his head, slowly calming down.

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