Chapter 21 - Sweet Dreams, Kiddo

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"ya comfy kiddo?" Sans wondered, laying next to Frisk on his bed later during the night. Frisk gave him the thumbs up.

"Yup!" She chimed. "Thanks for letting me stay in with you tonight."

"it's no problem." He said, putting his arm across her shoulders. Feeling relaxed, she snuggled into him, to make herself more comfortable. When she stopped shifting around, she let out a calm exhale of air.

"It's so nice to be able to relax on the surface... Though, we still have a bunch of unpacking to do. I can't believe Papyrus got it all sorted in a day."

"heheheh. well, my brother doesn't exactly like to leave everything until last minute. that's the way he is, you see. heheheh. i remember, when we were kids, and he used to be an impatient little brat. but of 'course he's my brother... and i love him." He chuckled. Frisk managed a small smile.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I envy the relationship you and Papyrus share... I never grew up with any siblings, so I don't know what that's really like."

"hm... did you have any family, frisk? before you fell into the underground, that is."

"Uh..." She pouted in thought. "Well... To be completely truthful, I can't even remember life on the surface before I fell and met you guys. I've been through so many timelines and so much that... It's hard to keep track of all that..." She frowned.

"i see.... i'm sorry frisk..." He muttered. She rose her eyebrows and shook her head.

"No! It's okay, really. I mean, you'd probably expect me to feel sad but... I don't really know if I can feel sad about relatives I don't even know or even know I had. For all I know, they couldn't even be around anymore. Might have been killed in the fights between monsters and humans for all I know... I don't really know but... I'm happy that I fell down there. Otherwise I wouldn't have met you and Papyrus, and all the others." She beamed.

"that's true..." Sans said. "well i'm guilty to say i'm kinda glad you fell down there too."

Frisk giggled. "I'll take that as a compliment." She beamed. "So, Papyrus was an impatient brat, huh?"

Sans nodded. "yeah, he was. he always used to complain to me about EVERYTHING. now that i think about it, not a whole lot has changed. heheheheheh. but i love him like that. i like him being all independent and thinking for himself when he wants to... after all, it was only... me and him as kids." A strange look flashed across his face and Frisk frowned.

"What is it?" She wondered. Sans shook his head.

"n-nothing... it's just... i feel like i got a huge feeling of deja vu... like, i've had this conversation before? i guess that doesn't make sense..."

Frisk sighed. Sadly, she sat up and looked down at her blue coloured pajamas, that were patterned with white small bones all over it. She bit her lip in thought.

"Sans... To tell you the truth... I uh... You have had this conversation before." She said.

"what?" Sans looked at her confused. She sat, still. Not meeting his eye. She opened her mouth to speak, hesitated, but then went on to explain.

"Sans... Before, in the timeline that you forgot about... You spoke to me about your father... Telling me who he was and... And what he did to you... How you got your powers and that blue eye you have.." She whispered, slowly lifting her arm and lightly placing it over Sans' left eye. She dropped her arm to her side looking glum.

"i did...? huh... i never... i never thought i would have spoken about it to anyone... i've never even told papyrus about it..."

"I know... I've never really understood why you trust me. Especially after everything... In the past timelines... After everything I did... I'll always remember that. So I don't understand still..."

"it's 'cause you're a good kid, frisk. you wouldn't ever hurt any of us on purpose. i know that."

"I know... But sometimes I can't help but still feel bad about it. I know I've gone over it a million times but... I don't know. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget it."

Sans sighed. Holding his arms out, he pulled Frisk into a hug and led back, so she could rest her head on his chest. She closed her eyes, trying to relax, as she felt Sans brush the back of her hair with his hand.

"always remember, that i care about you. alright? always. you'll always be important to me. i don't ever want you thinking that we all hate you. 'specially me, kid. you have no idea how i would end up if i ever lost you to you going and doin' something stupid. i need you to know that. i love ya after all, kiddo."

"I know..." Frisk whispered into his plain white T-shirt. "I love you too, Sans... I just don't ever want to hurt you again... I'm glad that you trust me... But I'm scared that one day I might betray your trust again... Lately, I've felt safe in this timeline. Everything has seemed to go perfectly and nothing has gone wrong. But I just feel like it's a false sense of security and something will go wrong when I least expect it to... I can't... I can't lose any of you again... I can't lose you again Sans..."

"shhh..." Sans hushed her, as he continued to ruffle her hair. "i'm always here, frisk. i promise. i'll keep an eyesocket out for you..."

Pulling away from the hug, Sans gave Frisk a small knowing smile. He rose his hand up to her face, to wipe away a tear that just happened to slide down her cheek.

"you seem tired, frisk. go to sleep, i'll sit here and watch over you, alright? tomorrow is a big day ahead of us." He grinned, pulling her back into the hug and letting her rest on his chest again. She rose her eyebrows.

"Why...? What's tomorrow?" She wondered. He laughed.

"hey, it was your idea and now you're saying you don't even know what it is? to try and get asgore and toriel to get along, of 'course. you'll have to be in the mood for that, so i'm hopin' you'll cheer up."

"O-Oh... Of 'course..." Frisk smiled. "Okay..." She muttered. "Night, Sans... And thank you... For everything."

"it's no problem, frisk... night...." He whispered, as she snuggled into him, and closed her eyes to sleep.

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