Chapter 17 - Bein' All Nostalgic

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"i don't know... i don't really know if anime is really my thing." Sans admitted as he stretched his arms above his head. He and Frisk were standing outside of Alphys' front door, saying their goodbyes after spending two hours watching anime together.

"Y-Yeah... Well, t-that's fair enough. T-Though, if you ever w-want to give it a-another go, let me k-know. There are s-some good animes out t-there that you m-might like." Alphys replied. Sans slowly nodded.

"alright, will do alphys. now, it was nice seeing you. me and the kid better head back now as i think frisk is probably getting tired. as am i. so we'll see you some other time, alright?"

"C-Course! I'd like to s-see you guys again s-soon." Alphys said.

"See you Alphys!" Frisk replied, giving her a hug. Alphys smiled and gave one final wave goodbye, as she shut the lab door. Sans and Frisk turned to each other.

"So, suppose we better go home, huh?" Frisk questioned. Sans nodded, still yawning and stretching.

"yeah... but, i think we'll have to walk to tell you the truth, as i can't really use my powers right now... i never would have thought watching anime would take so much out of you. i'm exhausted."

"Haha. Yeah, well, I guess sitting in front of a TV for two straight hours can make you pretty drowsy... Anyway, walking it is. We should get back before it gets dark."

"yeah..." Sans agreed.


Several minutes later, Frisk and Sans were spending their time walking through the underground. They were just passing by Sans' telescope, when he came to a stop.

"Hm?" Frisk looked at him confused. "What is it?" She wondered.

"huh? oh, nothing. was just bein' all nostalgic... you remember this telescope kiddo? when you looked in it, you had red all around your eye." He chuckled.

"What?!" Frisk cried, a grin across her face. She playfully punched him in the arm. "So that's why you were laughing at me!!"

"whoops, i never told you?" He grinned. "my bad."

"Oh har har." She rolled her eyes, with a smile still across her face. She looked around the room, and stared at the ceiling. Sans looked over to her, and noticed she was admiring the ceiling.

"these stars in the ceiling are pretty cool, ain't they? but these are nothing... i think i prefer ones across from asgore's castle. they're pretty amazing compared to these small ones..." Sans said. Frisk slowly nodded, as a frown formed on her face. She tried to continue smiling, however, she couldn't help but think about what was on her mind. Her feelings. It was bugging her so much, but Sans had no idea.

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