Chapter 25 - But It Refused!

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  "Oh, boo hoo. What a shame. You didn't exactly need him anyway. He was a pathetic excuse for a friend. You have me now, and we'll have so much fun." Chara laughed.

"WHAT'S GOING ON OUT HERE?! FRISK! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHERE'S SANS!?" Papyrus shouted, standing on the inside of the house and staring through the large hole. Gaster could be seen standing beside him.

"SANS????" Papyrus shouted. However, he got no answer. When his eyes had fallen on the pile of dust, Papyrus must have understood just exactly what happened.

"SANS!! NO!! MY BROTHER!! SAAANS!!!" Papyrus cried, looking like he wanted to try and run to him. But Gaster held him back with a sad look upon his face.

"I'm sorry Papyrus. You can't go out there... You'll only get hurt."


Frisk frowned, looking at the blood stained knife in her hand. She gritted her teeth, as she tightened her grip on it.

"You made me kill him... Again...." She muttered, standing up. "Why...? Why do you always have to keep doing this...? WHY?!" She screamed, as she turned to face Chara. Chara stood, looking quite amused, as she saw Frisk starting to charge for her, with the knife in her hand.

Bringing her arm forward, Chara took a hold of Frisk's soul and flung her back towards a tree. Crying out in pain, Frisk collided with the tree, hard. She fell to the floor in absolute agony, clenching her teeth. Chara sighed, with her arms crossed.

"Well, that's unlike you... Acting out on your emotions, are we? I thought Sans was more the one who did that." Chara laughed. "You would want to kill me, for him? I'm guessing you and me are not so different, if you're willing to try and kill me without remorse."

"Shut up..." Frisk whispered, as tears spilled down her face. "Sans isn't like that... He's smart thinking and he knows what he's doing... He's not like you... I'M not like you..."

Chara continued to cackle, as snow started to fall from the grey sky above. Frisk felt herself shiver, as a tiny snowflake landed on the upside of her fist. Shaking, she felt her tears start to stream down her face.

I need you... More then ever right now... Sans...


you're not alone kiddo... 



Frisk suddenly found herself, surrounded by nothing but darkness. She wasn't where she just was anymore. She looked around in confusion.

"Where... Where am I?"

"inside your mind." A voice replied. Frisk's eyes widened, as the person who belonged to that voice, came into view before her.

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