Chapter 24 - Didn't See It Comin'

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After having what felt like a peaceful nights sleep, Frisk woke with a sudden start. It wasn't very dark in Sans' room. Looking over to Sans' side of the bed, she noticed it was empty, which must have meant that Sans wasn't ready to go to sleep yet. So, Frisk had to only assume that it was only around 9 o' clock or something.

Climbing out of bed with a sense of unease, she went to go and see if Sans was in the kitchen. She didn't know why, but she had been woken up with a sudden horrible feeling. She felt like something really bad had happened... But she wasn't quite sure what.

"Sans..?" She muttered, coming into the kitchen. Sans was just standing in front of the fridge when he jumped in surprise.

"oh, hey kid. i thought you were asleep." He said, placing the half empty ketchup bottle back into the fridge. Frisk shrugged.

"Yeah... I was.. But er...." She frowned. Tilting his head to the side in confusion, he gave her a weird look.

"frisk, what's wrong?" He wondered, taking a step towards her and placing his hands on her shoulders. She exhaled.

"I don't know... I just feel like... Something really bad has happened... I don't know what it is... Do you feel that?"

"eh..." Sans turned his head away from her and narrowed his eyes slightly. "now that you mention it..." He muttered.

All of a sudden, a huge beam of light blasted through the wall. Sans' eyes widened in shock, as he pulled Frisk into a hug for cover "DUCK!" He shouted.

However, luckily the two of them were just fine. Just before the blast hit them, a gaster shield formed before the two of them. Standing behind it and protecting both of them, was none other than W.D Gaster.

Trying to deflect the blast, the gaster shield was starting to crack, with sickening sounds, in various places. It was lucky that the blast hadn't lasted for too long, otherwise Frisk, Sans and Gaster probably would have been killed right there and then. Gone, right from existence, without even knowing of it.

"Gaster?!" Frisk cried, as Sans loosened his grip on Frisk and stared at him with wide eyes.

"G...? what are you doing here...?"

"Ugh..." Gaster let his arms drop to his sides as the shield disappeared. He turned to face the two of them. "Sorry... If I scared you both... We have... A problem."

At that moment, he fell forward, face first. Sans' eyes widened and he quickly got down on his knees to catch his father before he hit the floor. Frisk stared at them both on the floor in wonder.

"What happened?" Frisk questioned, looking worried. Gaster slowly opened his eyes.

"It's.... It's Chara... She... She got free from the void... I don't know how she did it... Even I wasn't able to do it by myself... She... She stole half of my power.... Weak... I'm so weak..." Gaster moaned, lying in Sans' arms. Sans narrowed his eyes in anger.

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