Chapter 2

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   Today was the day, my first day as a Junior at Rainier High School. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to the sweet aroma of my mother's famous french toast sticks. Running towards the plate with the french toast sticks, I attempted to grab one before my mother slapped my hand.

   "Brooke..." She looked at me in a scolding manner.

   "I'm hungry!!!" I complained holding my stomach.

   "Chill out. You can have some in a minute. Go sit..." She said with a laugh putting some french toast sticks on a separate plate, drizzling it in syrup.

   "Thanks." I say stuffing it into my face, savoring the taste. After finishing, I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth. I then put on my undergarments and threw a white sweater and jeans over them. Deciding I wanted my hair out of my face, I pull my brown hair up into a ponytail and then added a little bit of mascara to make my icy blue eyes pop.

   Running down the stairs, I grabbed my keys, phone, and backpack.

   "Bye Mom!" I yelled forgetting Paige was still asleep, as I ran out to my car. Taking my keys, I opened the car and soon drove away. Luckily, there wasn't any traffic so I made it to school in less than ten minutes.

   I parked up in the front and grabbed my stuff. Locking the car, I headed into the school which has been going on for a month already. I made my way to the office to see a lady sitting at a desk.

   "Good Morning dear, how can I help you?"

   "Good Morning. I am a new student here...I need my schedule." I replied with a smile.

   "Ah. I figured so. Haven't seen you here before. What's your name?"

  "Brooklyn Woods."

   "Okay, let me print your schedule out and you should be set." She turned around and grabbed a sheet of paper from the printer. As she handed it to me, the door opened to reveal a beautiful girl with long curly strawberry blonde hair and green eyes.

   "Oh! Here we are. I had her come down here so she could give you a tour. She is in your grade and you guys should get along fine." The office lady said with a smile.

   The girl looked at me and smiled. "Hi! I'm Scarlett. Most people call me Carlie though."

  "I'm Brooke."

   "Short for Brooklyn right?"


   I looked down at my schedule as it read:

Language Arts



Social Studies




   "Oh! Looks like we have Language Arts, Science, and Fitness together." Scarlett said happily looking over my shoulder.

   Well, at least I won't suffer in those classes. At least I have a friend in those... Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

   "Yeah. That's cool!" I said plastering a smile on my face.

    "Come on, we're going to be late to first period!" Scarlett yanks my arm and drags me to class after I put all my stuff in my locker.

    I walk into the class with all eyes on me. Heat crept up my face, trying to not look uncomfortable.

    "Ahh. You must be the new student. I'm Mr. Carson. Can you introduce yourself to the class?" I nod my head.

    "Brooklyn Woods."

    "Where did you move from?"


    "Why did you move? If it's personal then you don't have to."

    "Umm. Well, my grandmother is very ill so we moved here to take care of her."

    "Oh. Well, I hope she gets better. Now, you can sit next to Miss Johnson." He pointed to a girl sitting by the window who rolled her eyes at me. I sat down and she glared at me. Ignoring her, I pulled out my notebook and pencil and started copying off the board.

   After a long few hours of my classes, it was finally lunch. Scarlett runs over to my locker with a giant smile on her face.

   "Soooo...How were your classes so far?"

   "Someone seems cheerful and yeah, my classes have been alright. Although, in first period, that girl I sat by, last name Johnson...I felt her eyes burning a hole in my back. She would not stop glaring at me"

   "Oh Emma! That's because she's jealous." She smiled knowingly.


   "Yeah. Alexander Quinn kept staring at you." Scarlett whisper-shouted.

   "Who's that?"

   "You don't know who he is!?! Oh right, you just got here... Well, he's one of the cutest guys here. Captain of the Football team. All the girls fall for him."

   I laugh. " I won't."

   Scarlett frowns. "Of course you will...He has his ways..."

   "Okayyyy. But, it's not going to happen." I replied grabbing my lunch from my locker and sat down at a lunch table.

   She knew I wasn't going to give in so she changed the subject. "So, are you going to try out for Cross-Country?"

   "Yes! I love running. Are you?" I say over-enthusiastically grabbing my water bottle and taking a sip.

   "Yep. I am a pretty fast runner." I went to open my mouth when I was going to ask when the try outs were but she cut me off.

  "Thursday." She said.

   "For try-outs?"

   "Yeah." So, she can read minds now? That's kinda creepy. I laughed to myself at the thought. She giggled and as we made eye contact she turned away. 

   The rest of lunch went by pretty fast as I grabbed my school supplies from my locker. As I turned around I bumped into Emma.

   "What the hell!" Emma screeched at me.

   "I am so sorry." I said sincerely. She shoved me as she passed, causing me to drop all my supplies.

   "Here let me help you." A deep voice from behind me says.

   "Thank you." I say and he gives me my fallen materials. Taking in his appearance, I notice that he has dark brown hair and gorgeous soft brown eyes. He looked about six foot and was wearing basketball shorts, a Nike T-shirt, and tennis shoes.

   "Any time. What's your name?" He asks looking me up and down.

   "Brooke and yours?"


   "Nice to meet you, but I really have to get to class." I say trying to head towards my next class.

   "See you around." He says with a smile.

   "Yeah." I say hurrying to French so I wasn't late. Most of the seats were taken so I had to sit in the back. Class had started for about five minutes when someone walked in. Late. I didn't have to look back to see who it was, judging how all the girls were staring behind me.

   Alexander Quinn.

A/N: Eh. I don't know if I'll change this chapter or not...I felt like I needed to update something. I have been reallyyyyyyyy busy with my theater camp. We had dress rehearsal today and tomorrow we perform;) Then next week, I am going on Vacation for like a week soooo. I'll try my best<3

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