Chapter 34

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Sebastian's POV:

We rushed Brooke's father into Alice's office in an instant. The cut along his chest was deep, and looked life theatening. His breath was ragged, the poor man trying to stay conscious.

"Mr. Woods?!? What happened?" Alexander was at his side, trying to question the dying man. He coughed up blood, and turned to face Alex.

"I-It was Silver." He tried to sit up, but failed miserably. "H-he took my family." A tear trickled down his face. "He took my wife, Paige, and now he's got a hold of Brooke." He coughed again, misery etched on his face. "I couldn't save them. I tried so hard...but they attacked me and left me here."

In attempt to calm the distraght man, I tried to comfort him. "It's okay Mr. Woods. We'll find her. Do you know where Silver and his pack are hiding?" I ask, looking into his bloodshot eyes.

"Yes. They're in-" He was cut off as he hit the back of the wall, and fell into unconsciousness. Alice rushed in to tend to his wounds and I walked out of the pack hospital room, rushing to my room. Shutting my door, I opened the painting and climbed in, shutting the door behind me. I walked through the dimly lit hallway, running to my hideout. I scanned my bookshelf for a book that could possibly help me find the person I loved; my mate. But, there was nothing. I slid down the wall in defeat, placing my hand on my head.

I needed to find Brooke...I had to. Before it's too late.

Brooke's POV:

A tear trickled down my cheek as I heard the name.

"Why is my baby sister here. What did she ever do!?!" Anger and pain laced with confusion filled the non-stop hole growing inside me. Why does everything bad happen to the people I love...Emma looked at me with a pang of sympathy.

"I don't know. I honestly do not know. Silver took me from my family. I haven't seen them in years. Now, there's some crazy bìtçh that's impersonating me, making me seem like someone that I'm not.." She sighed and stared out into space. "I just wish I could see them all again and-" Emma was cut off when the door opened to reveal Silver.

"Ah, my dear Emma. Thank you for watching Brooklyn here...Now, get out! You have to do your daily chores...otherwise, you'll be whipped!!!" Emma's eyes widened and she backed slowly out of the room, giving me one glance of final sympathy before rushing out of the room. I folded my arms and glared at Silver who then gave me a toothy grin.

"HOW DARE YOU KIDNAP MY MOTHER AND SISTER!!!" I screamed in his face. My anger began to expand as he stood there calm; unfazed by my outburst.

"Leverage..." He says causally, walking around the room. I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to figure out his motive.

"What do you want from me? I'll do anything, just let my family go...You don't have to waste you're time and money on that potion. I'll do it willingly as long as you let them go."

"Well my darling, I want to drain you of your blood of course. Then, before you die, we'll bite you. Your blood is special. I could sense your blood type from the minute I laid eyes on you. You had just moved in to your house and that's when you saw me in those woods." He grins before continuing. "You see, you're descended from the Royal family and once you're turned, you'll have some kind of special ability; one that I can use to gain power. Now as for your family, I'm afraid I can't do that...Unless-"

"Unless what?!?" I exclaim, anger building up inside me.

"Unless you are willing to start the initiation at the next full moon. Which is, in exactly two weeks time." I think about his offer for a moment and nod slowly.

"Alright, fine. But you must release them tomorrow. I would like to visit them tonight, since I will never see them again if you turn me." He nods.

"Very well. I will let you visit them now." He motions for me to stand up and I follow him to the dungeons. I hear a mother and a girl sobbing quietly in a corner, the mother whispering comforting words into her daughter's ear. Then I realized, it was my mother and Paige. Silver unlocks the cage and I rush in there to where they were huddled.

"Brooke?" I hear Paige's frightened voice from the corner of the cell and I follow it. A dim light was illuminating the cell, and I looked to see my mother and Paige curled up together bruised and bloodied.

"Yes, it's me." I run over and embrace them in a hug. Turning to my mother's ear I whisper, "They're going to let you out tomorrow. But on one condition, I must stay. They are going to do an initiation on me and they're going to turn me." My mother gasps and I rub her back comfortingly. "I'll be alright, I'll be alright. Don't worry. Just please, don't let Sebastian come after me. The last thing I want is him to get hurt." She nods quickly and I turn my attention to Paige.

"Everything will be okay little one. You'll be okay. Nothing bad will happen after tomorrow, I promise. Then you can go back to living a normal life." Paige hugs my arm and cries.

"Will you be coming too?"

"I'm afraid not, I have to stay in order for you to be safe."

"But Brooke...Life isn't going to be normal without you." She clutches my arm tighter and I run my fingers through her filthy hair.

"Paige, you're suffering. Mom's suffering. Trust me, I'll be okay. They won't kill me. Plus, you'll see me again." I give my mother one last hug and whisper," Find the Silvertooth pack. Then go to Sebastian Gray and tell him who you are and he'll help you. Just promise me you'll keep her safe." She nods and I hug her once more before I leave. A small tear runs down my face as Silver presses a hand on my back, leading me to my room. I collapse on my bed letting more tears fall knowing that I lied to them. I'll never see them again. I won't let them turn me and let them use my power against me. Since there is no way that I can leave this place, there is only one option for me.

I'll have to die...

A/N: Dang, I haven't updated in a longggg time. Like, two weeks!!!! I've been so busy with school since the end of the semester is nearing so I hope you guys can forgive me for being so late. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll try an update more frequently this month. You guys are amazinggg and I appreciate everything you guys have done for me to get my book where it is now(:


(Update: I have a cast now for the characters for His Little Red Luna now!)




-New Year's resolution?

-What was your favorite thing that you did for the holidays???

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