Chapter 33

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*This chapter is dedicated to @Baneen121 for making me this amazing cover! Go check out Baneen's cover book! Baneen is super talented and deserves more credit for amazing graphics;)*

Brooke's POV:

Laying on my bed, I hugged the pillow tightly to my chest. I was locked in here, locked in my own room. Apparently Liam was nice enough to give me my own room. The potion had worn off now and I had my own will. Liam said that if I behaved, he wouldn't have to use the potion to control me, meaning I had to still do whatever he wanted me to do.

I still had to ponder that idea. If I had my own will and Sebastian came back, then I could run away with them. Looking down at my clothes, I frowned at the short black dress Liam got for me. I had found a pair of black shorts to go under it. It was miserable here and I still don't know if I'm going to make it out alive or not.

A knock on the door sounded and my heartbeat rose. It opened to reveal someone I hadn't expected. 

"Emma?" I ask in surprise.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" She asks as she comes to sit on my bed.

"You're that girl who was so rude to me...Why?" I ask, confused why she's asking why I know her name.

"No, I've never been mean to anyone. I've been stuck in this place for forever. I had lost hope after a while since nobody came to look for me." She frowned at me, then stared into the distance, her eyes widening.

"Unless..."She trails off.

"Unless what?" I ask her, egging for her to go on.

"Unless someone replaced me. Filled in the gap." She gasped.  "I know who it is! There was this really snobby girl my age who had the power to shift.  Why, that little bïtçh must've shapeshifted into me and ruined my reputation." She grasps my hands and apologizes

"I am so so sorry that you though I was a cruel and heartless girl. If that was me, I would have never done those things to you. In fact, we would've been friends."

"There's nothing to apologize for. It wasn't your fault...although, it's good to know for future references. The girl is probably spying on us. Anyway, not to sound rude but, why are you here?" I ask her.

"Silver sent me to keep an eye on you. Although, I'm sure we'll just talk the while time." Emma sighs and looked down. "I am so sorry they took you. It was all my fault. I was the one who told him where to find you. He threated to kill my best friend Liam's little sister or at least he thinks of her as a little sister."


"Not Silver's son but Liam Thorne. He
found his sister and mother here locked in a cell. Apparently they were trying to go in hiding, but failed." My heartbeat quickened.

"Well, the little girl and her mother have a different last name than Liam Thorne, but her name is Paige. That girl is so cute!" She gushed while I sat there frozen to my bed.

"What's her last name." I say, all color draining from my face.

"Woods. Paige Woods."

Sebastian's POV:

After the meeting was over , I headed to Brooke's room to see if I could catch a scent. I took in a breath, smelling her wonderful scent. My heart was slowly shattering, as I remembered that she was no longer here.  She was going to be torchered and perhaps killed. I needed to hurry, or else the worst was to come.  Closing my eyes, I tried to mind link Brooke.

'Brooke, can you hear me?' I waited a moment to see if she would respond. Yet, no response would come. I punched the wall in anger, letting the frustration out. There was no clue whatsoever to lead to her kidnapping. We don't know where  Silver's pack is located. They change their location so often, we can never track them down. A throb began to pulse in my head and I clutched it. I couldn't think. Running outside, I take of my shirt and pants, shifting into my wolf.

I ran through the woods, letting the wind hit my fur. Sniffing the air, I smell a metallic scent coming from the right side of the forest. I follow the scent to see a crippled man, curled up against the tree, a large gash in his head, stomach, and thigh. Not looking at the man's face, I gently throw him onto my back and I trot towards the pack house, trying not to hurt the man. As I got back to the house, I mind linked Alexander to come outside. Alex gasped abruptly as he saw the man before me, whispering,


A/N: Shorter chapter, I know. I am sorry, but I wanted to get a chapter in today. GUYS I REACHED 2K AND I AM SO EXCITED!!! Thank you all so much(: Anyway, who likes my new cover?!? I would especially like to thank @Baneen121 for taking the time to make this amazing cover! I also would like to thank Himlata for making my previous cover. I'm very appreciative of you both!  Thank you guys for reading and stay tuned for my next update which will probably be next week so:






-What do you think of Emma?

- What is your favorite part about Christmas?

-Do you guys have any questions you would like to ask me, that I could answer. (Be realistic. Please don't ask me personal info like where I live and whatnot. Thanks:D)

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