Chapter 36

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Brooke's POV:

   Darkness. That was all I could see; nothing more. My arms were chained and I was sitting with my back against the cold wall of the cell. I could hear the groans of the people beside me and the soft sobbing from people who had lost hope. Biting my lip, I made up my mind. I would get them out of here. Taking my arms from behind me, I threw them over my head and started tugging on it. I tried pulling them and twisting them out of it, but nothing had worked.

   "Nice try, but you're never going to get out of those chains." Liam came to the front of my cell, peering in. "Seems to me that you need to learn a lesson. Especially since you were trying to escape." He unlocks the cell door and walks in. Liam walks over slowly and grabbed my face. "Like my father and I have been telling you, you're life will become hell and hell it shall be." He removed his hands and punched my face repeatedly until hearing a satisfied crack.

  I bit my tongue and tried to stand up, not being completely helpless. Blood was now seeping rapidly through my nose, but I ignored it. He then turns me around and pinned me to the wall.  Liam lifts my shirt off and pulls it over my head until I'm only left in my bra. He takes his belt off, and that's when the real pain began to happen. He hit my back, harder each whip. I fought the tears that wanted to escape out of my eyes. Struggling to get out of his grip, he hit me more, enough to where I could feel blood drip down my back. He puts his belt back and pulls me up by my hair.

   "That will do...for now. The ceremony starts tomorrow night. We can't waste all your blood yet." He grins at me and slams me against the wall aggressively. He kisses down my neck in a small trail to my collarbone. I flinched as he was doing that, pressing into the wall to seek safety. Liam smirked at my reaction. "I can't wait until you can become my bride Brooklyn."

He caressed my cheek muttering,  "Sweet dreams darling. I'll check up on you later." And with that, he banged my head against the wall, leaving me plunged into the hands of darkness.

Sebastian's POV:

   Rachel appeared in instants after we called her. She takes off her dark lacy gloves and shoved them into her jacket.

   "How long has Jamie been in a coma?" She asked me.

   "Jamie? That's Mr.Woods's name?" She nodded. "Oh, well he's been in a coma for about a week and a half now. We need to wake him up because he's the only one who can help us find Brooke." She nods sadly and began heading towards the pack hospital.

   Rachel murmured something under he breath and walked towards Jamie. She turned to me. "Okay, I am going to cast a spell to try and reach his conscious. From there, I'm going to try and look at his past- his past of what had happened when he escaped. If he truly belives Brooke is trapped where he was, we have a chance at saving her. This may be a while so please be patient with me." I nod and she takes a breath of air, inhaling deeply. Rachel places her hands on both sides of his head and she was gone. Physically, no. But mentally...

   Hours had past and I awoke from Rachel shaking me awake. "I KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" She tugs on my sleeve and we run to my room to grab a map. I find one and slam it on a table handing her a pen. She takes a minute to find the spot and marks it with an X.

   "It's right there." And that very spot, was in the woods...behind our beloved school: Rainer High.

Brooke's POV

   I yelped in pain as I tried straightening my torn and bloodied back. Blood was pouring out of the gashes that the whip had made. I curled into a ball and let the silent tears fall. I can't endure this much longer. The longer I am here, the more broken I shall be. I'm trying to stay strong, but there's no hope. Sebastian must not come for me--they'll kill him.

   I feel for my surroundings to see if there is any exit...there was none. Huffing in frustration, I threw a rock at the cell door.

   "Someone's in a bad mood." It was Liam... "Oh Brooklyn." He says opening the cell door. "We get to perform the ceremony earlier than expected." He grinned as my eyes widened in fear. "Tonight is the full moon, my love. We shall be wed at midnight." He placed a hand on my chin and lifted my head up. I was beaten, torched, and locked in a cell...I feel defeated.

   "We have to almost drain your blood my dear, so we can turn you." He winks at me as he grabbed me abruptly, carrying me over his shoulder. I laid there, a tear silently sliding down my face. There is nothing I could do.

   A mundane human. That is all I am, all I would ever be. Now, he wants to turn me and use me to give him the most powerful offspring in the world...My strength is gone, there is no hope left within me.

   What has ever gotten into me?

   I used to have hope. Used to...

   And now it's gone...All gone. I guess this place really truly  is hell. And no matter what I do, they will always win.

   I could deny it but it's true...

   I'm scared.

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