Chapter 4

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Laying on my bed, Scarlett and I start finishing up our homework. She starts catching me up on some of the school's latest gossip.

"Apparently, there's a rumor going around about how Jake and Adeline are dating. I can't believe it. He's such a jerk and Adeline is so sweet." I nod my head in agreement, though I only have seen them a few times in my classes.

"Oh! Oh! And did I mention Emma Johnson?" She asks with a smirk. I shake my head while I'm answering a math problem.

"After her little "scene" with you when she shoved you in the hallway, one of the teachers saw it and she got an hour detention after school today!" I smiled at her words. Emma deserved that detention after what she did to me. I did apologize to her...Apparently some people think they're too good for apologies. Finishing my homework, I collapsed on my back and stared at the ceiling.

"She's just full of herself. Even if she's mean, I'll still be nice. You've got to kill em' with kindness."

"She's always been like that. I've known her for so long...Although, I have been unfortunate enough to call her my neighbor." She sighed dramatically. "Honestly, that girl hates my guts. When we were Five, she ripped my Barbie doll's head off. I remember running to my mother crying, and her promising that she would get me a new one. Then, when we were Nine, she told the entire Third Grade I had a crush on a kid named Jaden Smith. That was quite embarrassing. The kid didn't talk to me that whole year. But it wasn't as embarrassing as what happened when we were Thirteen. It was horrid I tell you. So, I had just started my period and she told everyone. ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! I mean, it wasn't the end of the world now that I think of it, but it was at the time. I'm glad she did those things to me, it makes me a stronger person. She helped me be able to find the right friends and people who don't stoop down to her level." I took in what she said, and agreed with her.

"Seems legit for someone like her. And, from what I've seen from you, you are a very strong person."

"Thanks. Now, where's your father? Is he at work or something..." She immediately covered her mouth as she saw my reaction. My beaming smile faltered to a frown.

"Oh no! I'm sorry, it must be personal..."She said frantically attempting to apologize but I shook it off.

"No, no it's fine. He left us when I was younger. I don't know why. My mother never told me. When I would question her, she would make some blatant excuse to leave he room. Maybe I'll find out someday."

"Yeah, maybe. I'm sorry I brought that up..." She glanced down at her hands. "Oh! Brooke! I totally forgot. You do know what today is right?!?"


"Yeah, which means...." I stared at her blankly just wanting her to just get to the point. She sighed and finished her sentence. "Tomorrow's Friday. Maybe we could go see a movie or something."

"That would be fun! Just you and me?" I asked wondering if she had any other people in mind. It would be cool to meet some of her other friends.

"Hopefully...I just don't want my cousins tagging along. Speaking of which, he should be here any minute now." She says glancing down at her phone.

"What-" I got cut off as I was attacked by a child.

"Paige!!!" I yelped trying to get her off of me.

"Who's this? She's pretty." Paige examines Scarlett from head to toe.

"Thank you, sweetie. I'm Scarlett, I am one of your sister's new friends." She grins at Paige as she looks at Scarlett like she's a Princess from one of the Disney Movies.

"How as your first day Paige?" I asked as she comes to sit on my lap.

"First Grade's fun! There's a ton of kids and when we had free time we played with Play-Dough and we played Kitchen. It was super duper cool! I made a whole bunch of friends. One girl named Penny is just like me. She loves Frozen too! We're going to be the bestest friends, I know it!" She gave me a small smile to where you could see the missing teeth.

"That's great Paige." I said as I rubbed her back.

"Mommy says that maybe we could have a play-date after a little while. Oh and she-"

"Paige!!! Frozen's on!" My mom yelled from the stairs. Paige jumped up from my lap as she sprinted to the stairs. "OLAF!" Paige screams, running down the stairs.

"She's so cute." Scarlett gushes.

"Yeah. Man, I don't want to see her grow up. I love her young energetic self. Soon, she'll have little crushes and before you know it- She'll have a boyfriend." I say with a sigh.

"Speaking of Boyfriend, did you meet Alex?" Scarlett asks me with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. Why did you ask me if I knew who he was or not anyway?"

She shakes her head. " I wanted to see if you were one of those girls that would fall for him instantly."

"Why? Do you like Alexander Quinn?" She laughs clutching her stomach. When she finally contained her self she then responded.

"No! That would be sooo weird!" She exclaims.

"Wait, why wou-" I get cut off as the doorbell rang. I ran to the ledge of the stairs and looked down to see my mom opening the door. Scarlett rushes to my side and smirked.

"That's why it would be weird." My jaw dropped to see her cousin, finally understanding what she meant. Her cousin happened to be, the one and only

Alexander Quinn.

A/N: It's like Ten right now and I needed a break from studying from my Spanish test( I'm going to finish it right now after this A/N is done) so I decided to update. I'm going to attempt to update more often now that I have kind of gotten used to being back to school. I just had my birthday on Wednesday, October 5th and was very busy the past week. I hope this chapter was okay! The next few chapters are going to be fillers. I don't want to rush all these things in HLRL. Thank you so much for reading<3 Follow me;) Don't forget to:




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