Chapter 7

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  "Daddy, where are you going?" A young girl's voice asked. She wore her pink pajamas as she followed her father outside.

"Away, sweetheart." He says looking into her eyes.

"Why? Do you not love me, mommy, and sissy anymore?" The little girl's eye's filled with tears.

"No, sweetie. I love all of you very much. I have to leave you guys to keep you safe." His expression was pained as he stared into his daughter's eyes.

"But, we are safe. We have you Daddy." The little girl gave her father a hug and began to sob.

"Shhhh. Everything will be okay. You'll see me again, I promise. It will be a while, but just know, I love you so very much. Stay strong."He said placing a kiss on her forehead. "Now go get some sleep." The girl walked back into the house and looked out the window, watching the car get farther and farther away. I could almost feel the little girl's pain. It was only then, I realized, the little girl was me.

   My nightmares had only begun as I relived that night. The terrifying wolf that had attacked me. His large yellow canines bared at me. The sharp pain in my leg after he slashed my leg open. I can only remember falling into the arms of a man. The only thing I want to know is, am I dead? I have no idea what was going on. Is this what it's like to die? To relive memories?

Voices. That was all I could hear. Muffled as if someone had placed earmuffs on my ears. I was conscious of what was happening, yet I couldn't open my eyes. The voices got clearer and clearer as I became more conscious.

"Is she going to die?" I hear a worried voice come from the side of the bed.

"No, she will be fine. Although, the Wolf that attacked her was an Alpha. He must've had gotten his hands on some poisonous venom. It's very rare to find. I don't know what we can tell her or not, but for now, she needs cared for. She'll have to go through surgery to remove the venom. Otherwise, she'll die. She should be fine after the surgery.." The doctor replied. I hear him grab something from the bedside table. "She'll go through surgery as of now. I am sedating her so she doesn't wake up during it. I don't want her feeling any pain, and I know you don't want her to either."

"Very well, I don't want her to feel any pain at all." And at those words, a sharp pain pierced my neck and I lost my consciousness. I don't know what the hell is going on, but whatever it is, I bet it's not normal.

~ ~ ~

I blinked open my eyes to see light shining through my eyelids. Sitting up against the pillow, I took in my surroundings. I was not in my bedroom, I was in a decent sized room with a plushy bed that I was currently laying on. A small window was on the left side of the room, letting the morning sunlight seep through.

"SHE'S AWAKE!" A man's voice screamed down the hall. He walks into my room watching my every move. The man had jet black hair, icy blue eyes, and he looked just like-

"Dad?" I ask in surprise.

"Brooke!" he came over to my side and gave me a hug.

"I missed you so much sweetheart. I know you're furious that I left, but let me explain-" He tries to reason with me.

"No. It's fine. I got some kind of memory when I was unconscious. What did you mean when you said 'I have to keep you guys safe?'" I ask looking into his eyes. Honestly, I wanted to be mad at him, hate him even. But, I think I have an understanding to why. All I want is answers.

"Well, Brooklyn. This world is very...what's the word...different to what you think it is. It will all be explained over time, but for now, you need to relax."

"What do you mean by 'different'." I ask trying to calm down, I did not want to start screaming at my father.

"Damn, just like her mother. I shouldn't have even told her that." I didn't quite catch the last sentence as I was trying to figure out my situation. Glancing down at my leg, I saw that it was wrapped in bandages. I attempted to lift it up, but I grunted in pain.

"Okay dad. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED! Why is my leg in bandages?!?" I started loosing my temper. Somehow, I couldn't remember what happened. I then began to sob uncontrollably. My emotions were all over the place.

"Nothing's making any sense Dad. I don't understand what's happening. Nobody tells me anything. None of the pieces are fitting. I am so confused!"

"Brooke, I'll tell you everything once you're Seventeen. Your birthday's in a week now. Just give me a week to figure everything out. Okay?"

"Okay." I said trying to calm myself. A nurse rushed in and she handed my a glass of water.

"It's good to see you awake. You were out for a week." My father glares at her for telling me that, but she took no notice. "I'm going to go get you some food." She rushes back out.

I take a sip of the ice cold water . "I was out for a week?" I ask.

"Yes, you were. But, you're fine now. I made sure of it, I even made a promise to you're mother that I would make sure you would live. She felt so guilty for asking you to take those treats to Grandma." So, that's when I got hurt...I didn't question him because I knew I wouldn't get any answers.

"Wait a minute, so Mom knew the whole time why you had to leave?" He nods.

"Well why-" The nurse came in with a tray that had Grilled Cheese ad Tomato Basil Soup. Looking at the food made me realize how hungry I really was. Not wanting to be questioned by me anymore, my father gets up and nods to me.

"I'm going to go deal with...stuff. If you need anything, call for Claire." He features to the nurse who had just given me food. Forgetting what I was about to ask my father, I greedily scarfed down my food. I better get those answers...I just have to wait one week.

One week. Just one week.

A/N: Okay, I wanted to update today but I had writers block so I was basically sitting on my computer trying to figure out something that would be good for this chapter. I will take any advise/criticism from my readers. I want my book to be the best it can be for you guys<3  I hoped you guys liked this chapter and if you did, please:






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