Chapter 6

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   I woke up at the crack of dawn to my alarm. It was still dark out, but you could see little light trying to break through the darkness. Friday. Today, I get to see the movie with Scarlett! I was ecstatic to have some girl time. Jumping out of bed, I threw on a pair of jeans and a gorgeous blouse. I pulled my dark brown hair into a loose fishtail braid down the side of my head. After applying some make-up, I ran downstairs and quickly ate a bowl of 'Fruit Loops' and finished getting ready. Grabbing my backpack and keys, I got into my car and drove to school.

  When I got to school, Scarlett was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps, she was late or sick. I decided to give it a while. Hopefully she turns up, if not, I'm sure it was for a good reason. I headed to my First Period and took a deep breath. This was going to be a long day.

~ ~ ~

   The Sixth Period bell rang, signalling the end of the day. I was a little disappointed that Scarlett didn't turn up, but I just hoped she was alright. If she was sick, I didn't want to bother her. When I got home, I went upstairs and took a nap. I'm sure we can just reschedule and do it another day.

~ ~ ~

   A few weeks have past and Scarlett hasn't been at school. I was really getting worried now. I tried to ask Alexander if she was okay but he too was gone. Looking at my phone, I saw no responses to any of the calls or texts I have sent. Not many people noticed that they were gone, it was like they disappeared from reality. Entirely. In fact, nobody but me realized that they were missing. Whenever I asked where they were, they would always respond,"What do you mean, they're right there." It was like everyone was under some kind of...trance. Telling them that they're there when they are really not.

  I have gotten very worried for my mental health. Honestly, I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. As of right now, I'm laying in my bed trying to take a nap. I feel like I'm loosing my mind. My mind is a jigsaw puzzle and none of the puzzles are fitting, it's a jumbled mess. I have been so confused lately. Sitting up, I decided to go get some fresh air. I head downstairs to see my Mom pulling muffins out of the oven.

"What are you doing Mom?" I asked peering over her shoulder, looking at all the baked goods she was placing in the basket.

"Oh good you're here ! Brooke, I'm making treats for Grandma. Can you take them to her?" She asks me, almost pleading that I would say yes. She had bags under her eyes due to sleep loss. She looked way older than Forty. I nod and she smiles gratefully. She tells me the directions and I head outside to my backyard. The tall Evergreen trees loomed over my head as I stood at the entrance. Taking a deep breath, I followed the trail that lead my to my Grandma's house.

   I jumped at a low growl I heard from behind a tree and picked up my pace. It was a cold, eerie evening but my mother gave me one of her cloaks. The cloak was a silky crimson red that had a hood attached on the back. It reminded me of an old childhood story that I was told when I was little.

   Seeing a dim light shining through the trees, I clutched the basket as I ran to my Grandmother's house. I knocked twice until I heard a hoarse voice say 'Come in'.

I open the door to see my very ill Grandmother lying in bed with layers of blankets covering her frail body. She was drifting in and out of sleep so I decided not to disturb her. I placed the basket of sweets on her bedside table and scribbled a note to her. It read:


I hope you get well soon. My mother baked these sweets for you. Remember when you taught us how to make these? My mom has gotten wayyyyy better since then. I promise there's nothing wrong with them. If you need us to come over more during the week, just need some company, or need someone here right away, you know who to call. We're here for you. That's what family is all about.

Love you lots,


I place the note on top of the basket and left quietly. It was darker when I began walking back. I could hear howling in the distance, but shook it off. I was fine. The breeze pushed against my skin, as if to say I shouldn't be here. I closed my eyes and breathed in.

 Breath in.

Breath out.

Breath in....

I couldn't see the light to my house anymore, and began to panic. What would happen to a teenager in the woods, huh? I mentally cussed at my stupidity. I heard a mysterious rustling in the bushes. My breath caught in my throat as I stood still.

Silence...Pure silence.

   A large figure jumped out of the bushes and I let out an ear piercing scream. I ran like my life depended on it, because it did. I turned back and saw that it was a wolf. It snarled to where I could see it's sharp, yellow canines. I clutched my stomach and my breathing became ragged and uncontrolled. The creature used it to it's advantage and jumped on me, slashing my leg. I let the tears spill as I cried out in pain. The cut poured blood like a river. I could taste the metallic, blood taste as I struggled to get up. I see four other wolves corner the one attacking me. I steadied myself on the tree I was right next to. I limped the opposite way, but the movement caused it to bleed more. I looked down to where I was standing to see my jeans ripped soaked with a crimson pool of blood. My vision began to get blurry from the loss of blood and I pressed my back against the tree. I looked back to where the wolves were fighting, but could no longer see them. They were replace by four humans. The forest started swaying as I began to make my way towards them. I tried to scream for help but it came out as a whisper.

"BROOKE!" A female voice screamed as she and a male ran towards me as my legs finally gave in and I collapsed. As I prepared myself for the fall, I was caught in a strong pair of arms. With the comforting words the male whispered into my hair, I let go. Slipping into pain, cold, and


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If it was crappy, I'm soooo sorry. I'm kinda tired right now haha. I will try and revise this book once I'm finished and make this story even better! PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK<3 The only way I can improve is by your advice. Bare with me guys;) Follow me:D And don't forget to:




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