Chapter 17

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This chapter is dedicated to Anieshak for motivating me to update more chapters today<3 Thank you for all your support ;D

Brooke's POV:

   I awoke to the sound of my alarm going off from the side of my bed, I pressed the snooze button and slowly got out of bed. Frowning, I headed to the kitchen to grab breakfast. Why can't I just be happy? I get to start over, I get to have my life back again. Only problem is, I don't get my life back. I'm a totally new person; Sophia Baker. I opened the pantry full of food and stared. Honestly, I wasn't very hungry, so I settled on a bagel, popping in the toaster. Once it was done, I spread some cream cheese on it with a knife, and nibbled at it. I ended up eating half the bagel and threw the rest away.

   I went to the bathroom and opened the cabinet, revealing the potion bottles. I grabbed one and set it on the countertop. Looking at myself one last time in the mirror, I took a swing of the potion letting my skin bubble up. When I looked into the mirror again, I was no longer Brooklyn Woods, I was Sophia Baker. Since I changed into Sophia, I didn't need to do anything to my hair or do make-up since it was already done. The only thing I needed to do was put on different clothes so I decided with a pair of blue skinny jeans and a red and black flannel. I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant, and checked the time. 6:50. I grabbed my keys to the house and my backpack with my new supplies in it and walked out the door.

   Breathing out, I could see my breath for the bitter cold. I rubbed my arms and walked on the sidewalk towards school. Thankfully I knew the way by now, otherwise I would be lost. I walked into the school and almost headed to my first period when I realized I'm not supposed to know my way around yet. So, I turned around and headed to the office where I met the lady once again. She printed out a new schedule for me and I had all new classes.

 World Studies: Room 213

 English: Room 205

 Algebra II: Room 215

 Spanish: Room 112

  Biology: Room 106

 Choir: Room 103

I was never much of a singer but, I'm not me anymore. I'm Sophia, maybe she is a singer. I felt a sharp pang of hurt as I remembered Scarlett was the one to show me around. Now, I'm on my own. The office lady asked if I needed anyone to show me around, but I kindly refused. I already knew my way around, but she doesn't need to know that. Heading to my first period, I take a deep breath and open the door. A woman stood at the board and looked towards my direction and smiled. If I was Brooke, I would blush and become embarrassed with everyone looking at my direction.

"Hi! I'm Mrs. Smith and welcome to World Studies. What's your name, honey?" I smile and look at the class, trying my best to be the social butterfly I was at my old school.

"Hi, I'm Sophia Baker and I transferred to Washington last week." I grinned at the class.

"From where?" Mrs. Smith asked curiously. I couldn't hesitate so I said the first state that came to mind.

"New York!" Mrs. Smith nodded in interest.

"One of the thirteen colonies! How cool is that." I loved how excited Mrs. Smith got when she mentioned History. It really showed that she loves her job.

"Cool, I guess.It's really nice there." She then sat me next to an Asian girl who grinned at me.

"Hi, I'm Adrianne. Welcome to Rainier High School!" She looked really smart by how many notes she had been taking and I admired her for it.

"Thanks." I replied even though I didn't need the welcome. Overall, Adrianne was nice and I really seemed to like her. Maybe I could start over after all...


During lunch, I decided to skip it and go outside to read my book. Books help you escape the real world. Let you believe what you want for the time being. It lets you imagine things you could never had imagined. I closed it with a sigh hugging it to my chest.

"Good book?" Looking up I saw Adrianne who came and sat next with me. I nodded.

"It had the best ending." She picked up the book from the table and examined it. "Huh, maybe I'll read this next."

"Why aren't you eating lunch with your friends?" I asked her with a frown.

"Because, you looked lonely. I know how it is to be the new girl. After all, I was the new girl last year. Kids used to tease me about my glasses and that was a nerd. I admit, I was lonely and I didn't have really anyone to sit with until a few months in when I found my best friend."

"I'm glad you're not lonely anymore. But, I'm alright. I like getting the fresh air and alone time. It's peaceful and quiet. Anyway, Adrianne I saw all those notes you were taking." She bit her lip and looked at her shoes. "It's not a bad thing Adrianne. I think you're really smart and those kids that teased you are probably going to have really crappy jobs while you're some rich millionaire." She looks up and grins.

"Thanks Sophia." It was weird that someone was calling me a different name, but I didn't show any signs about it.

"No problem, now get back to your friends at lunch, I'll be fine."


   By the time fifth period rolled by I got excited. I hadn't seen Scarlett or Alexander all day. Hopefully, they were listening to me and not trying to look for me. I headed to Biology and sat down in the back next to a window. Everything went fine until someone sat next to me. The very someone I forgot about.


A/N: WHOOOO TWO UPDATES IN A DAY...MAYBE I'LL DO THREE OR FOUR:O But if it weren't for Anieshak I probably wouldn't have updated so thank you!!! And, thank you to all of you who have been reading, voting, commenting, and sharing my story. It means so much to me!!!



-What is your favorite food♡

-What is your favorite candy?

-What is your favorite movie♡

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