Chapter 14

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Alexander's POV

"What do you mean, 'turn her'?!? There has got to be another way." I exclaim. There was no way I could do this to her, even if it's the only way.

"If you want her to be living and have her memories, then yes, it is the only way. Anyway, if she is going to be your Luna, she'll have to be turned eventually." I cringe. Yes, that was true, but I felt guilty for throwing Brooke into our strange world. I still can't believe she's my mate...I mean, I've only known her for a few months, but it feels like I've known her my whole life. Her bright blue eyes, so determined and-

"She's awake." Scarlett rushes into the room, out of breath, panting.

"We'll talk about this later Alexander. But, just know, that'll be the best choice. "

I turn away from my Aunt and follow Scarlett up the spiraling staircase. We take a left and enter Brooke's room. My heart drops to see what has become of her. Her face is ghostly pale, hands trembling, and curled up into a ball. She takes a deep breath and mutters to herself.

"It's not real...It's not real." I rush to her side and tuck her brown hair behind her ear.

"Shhh. Brooke, you're safe. Don't worry. You are safe." I wrap my arms around her to comfort her, and she begins to calm down.

She looks up at me, a single tear trickling down her face. "Alex," her voice shakes as she talks. "What's happening to me?"

I debate whether I tell her the truth of not. Looking at Scarlett for advice, she shakes her head as if to say 'No, it'll make it worse'.

"You're fine, Brooke. You have just been a little out of it lately. Just get some sleep." She slowly nods and snuggles into the blanket. I gently kiss her forehead, and leave the room, Scarlett following.

I turn to her and sigh, "Have you had any visions lately?" I ask. Some werewolves get special powers. Scarlett, has the ability to see the future, although she can't always tell us everything due to the fact she has to figure out what it means first.

"No, none at all." She frowns and looks up at me.

"Alex, what were you and my mother talking about?" I grimace. Great, I was trying to avoid this subject.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Did the doctors ever give Brooke the- " Scarlett cuts me off.

"Alex! Don't try to change the subject." She folds her arms in anger and glared at me.

"Fine,  she said that Silver has figured out a way to get in Brooke's mind and is slowly driving her to insanity. There are few ways to save her. Either erase her memories or turn her. I don't want to do either to her. It's not fair to throw all this stuff on her. First, she gets attacked. Then, she finds out that everything she thought was fake was real and then get mother and sister go missing. And on top of all that, I'm her mate. She's getting overwhelmed." Scarlett stood still, mouth agape. I turn to where she was looking and there she was. It was Emma Johnson. She's apart of my father's pack, and has had a major crush on me since day one.

"Why are you even trying? Why help the girl. She doesn't even deserve it. Brooke should have just died when she got attacked. She's a handful, putting us in danger. We would be a lot better without her." I glare at Emma.

"That's funny, look who's talking. You were the stupid one who had to sleep with every guy you saw, until one day the man ended up working with Silver. We got to you in time before they took you into their pack, they could've killed you Emma. You have no right to talk about Brooke that way."

"She's just a filthy, worthless, human." Emma scowls and walks away. I sigh, bid Scarlett a goodnight and headed to my room to collect my thoughts. I had to save Brooke.

I had to.

Brooke's POV

I had pressed my ear to the door. I caught every word Emma said. What the hell was she doing here?Although, what she said was true. I was getting in the way of things, a handful, and a damsel in distress. They have better things to do than take care of me. They're better off without me, not having to take care of a weak little human. I knew there was something wrong with me. I knew that they were all lying to me. I'm not okay, and that's when the idea popped into my head. I grabbed a bag, a small wad of cash I had been given by my father before I left, and extra clothing. I take a pen and a sheet of paper and began to write:

Carlie and Alex~
I heard every little thing that came from Emma's mouth. I'm not offended because she's right. I am a handful. You guys would be better off without me. I know there's something wrong with me, I can tell when people lie to me. I'm not okay, and this is why I'm leaving. Why I'm running away. Please don't look for me, I'm sick and tired of being the damsel in distress. I'm always getting injured and I don't want to be another problem you guys have to handle. You guys mean a lot to me and I don't want to be a burden on you two. Thank you for everything you have done for me, and now I bid you farewell.



I take a deep breath, and place the paper on the nightstand. Grabbing my bag, I creep out of my room at midnight.

"What are you doing?" A man who must've been guarding looks at me in suspicion.

"Scarlett says that I was to be moved to the upstairs medic center. She said that they'll give me medication to help my hallucinations." He looked skeptical, but reluctantly agreed and let me upstairs. I ran out the enterance and breathed in the fresh air. That's when I began to run. I look over my shoulder and stared at the mansion one last time. The last thing I heard was Alexander's troubled voice telling me to come back.

A/N: Okay, my author note will be totally random at times but I want to start doing little questionnaires to get to know my readers better♡♡♡

1)Favorite TV show?

2)Favorite Celebrity ?

3)Favorite Book series?

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