Chapter 11

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I awoke to the dawning light shining through the curtains. The soft melody of the birds chirping echoed through-out my room. Sitting up, I look over to where Scarlett. To my surprise, she was still asleep. Her strawberry blonde hair was sprawled on her pillow, her hand covering her bright green eyes. Looking at her chest, I could see the sycronized rising and falling. Peace.

That's all we need now. Last night had been quite a shock for me. Learning that Scarlett, Alex, and Sebastain were werewolves, combined with the fact I had cruel, murderous people trying to kidnap me...It was all too much. My stomach rumbled rather loudly and I looked over to see if it awoke Scarlett. Still asleep. Damn, that girl could sleep through a disaster...Realizing I was hungry, I quietly slip out of the room.

"Now where may Brooklyn Woods be up to now?" A voice boomed behind me, making me jump. I turn to see Alexander grinning at my reaction.

"The kitchen. I'm starving!" He laughed and dragged me the opposite direction.

"Wrong way. It's this way." He lead me to the grand staircase, turning left. Opening the door, an enormous kitchen was on full display. My eyes widen at the gorgeous layout.

"Do you know how to cook?" I ask him. He shakes his head with a small laugh.

"The last time I cooked...You don't want to know. It was disastrous."

"Are you hungry? I can make us something." I spun around to see a pantry. Opening it, I found the perfect thing!

Pancake mix

"I'll make pancakes." Searching for all the supplies and ingredients, I smile in triumph. I made the batter and placed the pan on top of the stove. Slowly, I poured some batter onto the pan and let it cook waiting to flip it.

Alexander sits down in front of me and stared at me with amusement

"You keep surprising me every day Brooke. The whole werewolf thing, you took that really well. When my Uncle told his mate about the whole werewolf thing, she went bonkers. She began throwing things at him telling him he was insane. When she believed him, she ran away and had not been heard from for a month. He finally found her because of their mate bond. As soon as they saw each other, their bond got so strong she never left him again. Later on they got married and she accepted him. He bit her, turning her into a werewolf. When I told you, I was thinking you were going to go crazy like she did. I was quite surprised you took it well."

"Well, I was kind of confused at that point. I really thought that you were doing drugs or something. But when you turned, I knew it was real. There had been something off about this place ever since I moved. It felt...odd...eerie...mysterious." Nodding, Alexander agreed. I flipped the pancakes and felt something tugging at my brain. It was almost like a fish hook trying to catch something from my mind. A question that had caught my curiosity since the name was mentioned.

"Alex, what's a mate?" I ask peering into his bright blue eyes.

"Quite curious aren't you. Well, a mate is almost like your other half. A part of you that you cannot live without. A necessity like the oxygen we breath and the food we eat. Werewolves usually find their mates found the age of seventeen. Seventeen is considered an adult with our species. Which means, humans can be turned if they're at least of age. It's destiny..." He trails off clearly unable how to further explain.

"Have you found yours yet?" He looked at me with a frown.

"No, I haven't. I turned Seventeen five months ago." He looks down at his shoes. In effort to cheer him up, I drizzle his pancakes in syrup, spraying whipped cream on top of it. I placed two strips of bacon on the side and pushed it to him.

"Eat up." Alexander looks up and smiles greatfully.

"This looks really good!" He cut into the pancake and took a bite, savoring the aroma of sweetness filling his mouth.

I grinned and set my own plate. Happily eating my food, Scarlett enters the room.

"Brooke! You should've woken me up. We should leave soon. You need clothes. Proper clothes." I look down at what I was wearing. A thick tank top and a pair of shorts. "I'm going to go get ready." She rushed up the stairs while I looked at Alexander and sighed.

Looking back at what I was wearing I began to giggle uncontrollably.

"This is all I have. Does she really expect me to go out into public like this."

"That's true. Plus, most of her clothes probably won't you..."

"Should I-"

"No. Don't go and tell her. I want to see how much effort she'll put in today. This'll be hilarious. My mother has a ton of extra clothes. I'm sure she'll be fine with you borrowing them." He smirked thinking how long it'll take Scarlett to shower, curl her hair, put on make-up, and pick out the perfect outfit.

"You're probably right." I laughed. My smile quickly faded as I remembered something. "Alex, do you think my father is alright?"

"Yes. He stayed behind to fight off that pack that tried kidnapping you. He's alive. His blood flows through your veins. I could tell if he's alive or not." I mutter 'Thank God' under my breath in relief. If he got hurt because he was protecting me...I would never forgive myself.

A few hours later, Scarlett, Alexander, and I headed over to his parent's room. His parents were not there due to the fact that they were on a trip to meet with the other packs. With his mother's approval, she had set boxes onto the neatly made bed, clothes piling to the top. Grabbing some boxes, we walked back to Scarlett and I's room and placed them gently on the bed.

Taking a sweater out of the box, I catch a whiff of it's scent. I place it to my nose and inhale it, taking in the sweet smell. It smelt just like home.

Home...not a place. It's a feeling. Home is where our story begins. It's where our hearts truly lie.

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