Chapter 10

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Werewolves? What do they have to do with this? "Well, I know they are humans that can shift into a wolf form."

"Do you believe they exist?" Alexander asks seriously. In attempt to muffle my laugh, I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Of course not. Is this some cruel joke or something? Come on, tell me the truth." Scarlett sighs and begins to talk.

"Brooke, do you trust us?" She asks not breaking eye contact with me.

"Of course I do." I respond with a confused expression. Why are they being so serious?

"Well, Alexander and I are werewolves. This place, is our pack headquarters. Alexander is next in line to be Alpha, leader of the Silvertooth pack" I began to stare at their identical expressions. They seemed like they were telling the truth.

"Guys, are you trying to tell me that "Twilight" is now real? Because that's just a fictional story that took place here in Washington State in the city of Forks. How do I know your not trying to trick me into believing this nonsense." I fold my arms trying to figure out what they were trying to tell me.

"Please believe us." Scarlett pleads.

"Oh my god, please don't tell me you two are on drugs." I face palm. That's probably why they're thinking all of this stuff is real. Alexander began to get frustrated, a side that I have never seen from the patient young man I met.

"We are not! Why won't you believe us?!?" Alexander says through clenched teeth. Why we're they getting angry?

"Fine, I'll believe it if you prove it." He then smirked at Scarlett, obviously awaiting my expression to when he proves that I was wrong. He began to take off his shirt, showing his nicely toned six-pack and a tattoo wrapping around his arm.

"Whoa there buddy." I wave my hands covering my face as he unbuckled his jeans and pulled them down. Hearing a low growl, I peak through my hands to see a Silver Wolf in front of me.

"What the..." I was speechless. Shifting back, he was standing there in his boxers. He then began to pull his jeans and shirt back on.

"This is real?" I ask with a confused expression. Scarlett nods slowly trying to make me believe her.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you guys. You were basically telling me that everything I thought could never possibly exist, is real." I apologize, guilty that I didn't believe them.

" I would've done the same." Scarlett says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, now that I believe you, where are we here? Who's trying to come after me?"

Alexander grimaced but answered me. "You're special Brooke. If you were to be turned into a Werewolf, you would be extremely strong. Without proper training, you could be capable of killing someone. The people coming after you, are from a very vicious, cruel, power hungry pack. The night you came back from your Grandmother's house, one of the pack members caught a whiff of your scent and attacked you. He scratched your leg, injecting a rare type of poison in you. The poison was designed to lure it's victim to it's predator.  They wanted you to come to them and turn you. Little did they know that it almost killed you. They had dangerous things in their possession they don't even know how to use properly. Also, in their pack, once you're turned, you can never leave. A curse is placed upon you and if you ever wanted to leave, you would suffer a most painful death. That's why we have to keep you safe. They would torture you. Rape you so you can have their offspring. You would have very dangerous offspring if they got to you. They're savages, they kill without mercy." He says breathless.

"This is a lot to take in." I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to prevent the headache trying to emerge.

"I'm sorry, but now you know." Scarlett sit next to me and puts an arm around my shoulder. I had so many more questions. But instead, I ask this,

"How are humans turned?

"Well, there are two ways. The first way is the most common. The mate can turn them, if the human is willing. The second one is so cruel. If the person is close to dying, anyone can turn them. Although, there is a chance they can die. The pack that's after you, they would torture you so much, slowly and painfully, until you're on the brink of death, then and only then would they turn you." Alexander answered my question examining my curiosity towards Werewolves.

"What if they were to come here? What would we do? Where would we go?" Alexander points to a large painting on the wall. It was a picture of a collage of a variety of flowers. He places his thumb on a small flower, small enough to be barely visible. The painting then swings open to reveal a slide. It actually seemed fun.

"This is the Emergency Escape. It's like a miniature house but overly secure. There is also many vehicles in there in case of extreme emergency's." He closes the painting and it locks itself. The bedroom door opens and a boy came in and walked towards Alexander.

"What's up man? I was told you were in here. Did- Brooke?"

"Sebastian? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Does she know about us?" Alexander nods. "Oh, well I am apart of the Silvertooth pack. My father is Alex's father's second in command. Once his father passes the title down to Alex, I'll become second in command." He grins. "Alex, were you showing them the escape? The one that we would always slide down when we were thirteen and get in trouble for?" They both laughed remembering the good times they had.

"Yeah, we were trying to explain everything to Miss Brooklyn here."

"I would have loved to see her reaction. Did she say you guys were insane? Needed a doctor perhaps?" My face flushed as I remembered the crazy things I said to them.

"Something along those lines. She thought we were doing drugs or something." Sebastian snickers and gives me a high five.

"Nice one Brooke." I shake my head with a smile looking at Sebastian.

"I was in utter confusion. In those times, I don't  think before I speak." I yawn as I check the time on my phone. It was 11:28pm.

"Look's like we should get to bed." Alexander and Sebastian both get up and start heading outside of the room to go to their rooms. "See you girls in the morning." And with the slam of the door, I sat up and looked at Scarlett who began to get in pajamas.

"Are we safe?" She nods.

"Yes, there are wolves guarding the entrance." She throws me a pair of shorts and a tank top to change into.

"We'll get you clothes tomorrow. These are too small for me so you can have them." Scarlett says with a smile. I change and get under the covers, wishing for the comfort of my own bed. With the switch of the light, I stared into darkness trying to comprehend what was going to happen, and what my new life was going to be...

A/N: Two updates in a day!!! I am so proud of myself;) I hoped you guys liked this chapter. This one was a little longer than usual, just for you amazing readers<3 Please, Don't forget to:




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