Chapter 35

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Sebastian's POV:

I awoke in the chair next to Mr.Woods. He was still lying unconscious and I began to worry about him. Turning my head, I looked over to see Alice leaning over the bed.

"How is he???" I ask sitting up.

"I'm afraid he's in a coma." I cursed and slammed my hand down on the chair handle.

"He was our only hope to find Brooke!" I clutch my head and despair and paced the room. I can't give up; I couldn't. Opening the door, I slammed it behind me to go find Alexander.

I curled up my fists in anger and sprinted over to Alex's room. Not bothering to knock, I barged in there. Alexander and Annie were having a make-out session against the wall. I rolled my eyes as they broke apart, cheeks red in embarrassment.

"There's a door you know..." Alexander crosses his arms and glared at me. Ignoring his comment, I tell him what happened.

"Mr. Woods is in a coma." I say.

"What?!?" Alexander exclaims, clearly forgetting what had just happened.

"He was our only chance at finding Brooke. He was the only one that knew where she was." Annie's eyes widened and she tugged on Alex's shirt.

"I know a way!" She said suddenly. "I know how to help him."

"How?" Alexander says looking into her eyes listening to every word she said carefully.

"I can communicate to him. I can look into his head and see his memories. But, since he's in a coma, I'll need a witch. Although, I don't know of any." She says frowning.

I think about Brooke. She has a-" I know one. It's Brooke's best friend."

"What's her name?"


Brooke's POV:

   Closing my eyes, I focused on my slow rapid breathing. My mother and Paige were released about a week from today and here I am stuck back in my room. Silver grinned evily as he left my room.

   I collapsed on my bed, letting my head hit the pillow.  There was no way I could do this. I can't let Silver use me once he turns me. Thankfully, they haven't used that potion on me in a while because I've been obediant.  This gives me time to plan my escape...I don't want to stay in this hellhole forever. Therefore, I must put up a good fight.

   I looked at the small markings I have been making on the side of my bed. It was so I could keep track of the days I've been stuck here. I had a little less than a week left...I climbed into my bed and clutched the covers tightly. Closing my eyes slowly, I tried to let myself drift into a peaceful sleep but was interrupted by Liam; Silver's son.

   "Come on sweetheart, get up now! You've got chores to do unless you would like to be put back on the potion?" My eyes widened in fear as I clambered out of bed and reached for the door. He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

   "Not so fast. Just to be clear, you are to clean the dungeons. We had recently assassinated some people and we need you to clean up our...mess." My heart dropped in my chest, barely able to nod. I turned back to the door and headed to the dungeons to get my job done.

   It reeked of death. The smell was almost unbearable. I bit my tounge,  and moved forward. Gliding a hand across the walls, I let my hand stop as soon as I felt something abnormal from the rest of it. I pressed into it and the wall became to slowly come down. Running down the dark hallway, I was met with a dead end. With a sigh, I turned my heel and began heading back to where I started when I heard a cry from behind me.

   I turned around and saw two children clutching the bars with wide eyes and tear stained cheeks.

   "P-please helpp us." A little boy stuttered out. "Th-the old man wants to ki-kill us."

   "U-Uh huh. He wants to ta-take our powers." An older girl, about ten, chokes out beside him.

  I fumbled around the cage trying to find a way to get them out. Although, there was no was a keypad. I headed over to it and typed in numbers I remembered overhearing Liam say:


The keypad blinked at me, and turned green.

"Access granted" The door swung open and the children hugged me tightly.

"T-thank you Miss. We can take it from here. Myra and I know how to get out of here using our powers." The girl nods, and smiles.

"We are forever in your debt but we unfortunately cannot take you. It would interfere with the prophecy." I asked them what they meant and the younger boy turned to me.  "You are the one that will bring the light into the darkness;  the one who will save us all." I couldn't say anymore to them because they then linked hands and start mumbling words I couldn't understand;  witch language I'm guessing... I heard loud footsteps crashing through the hallways and Liam and Silver both come running in as the two children disappear. Both men looked furious.

   I went to turn my heel and run but Silver grabbed my arm and squeezed.

   "You aren't going ANYWHERE!" He spat. "THOSE CHILDREN WERE SUPPOSED TO--" He cut himself off when he realized what he was about to say. "They we're important and now, you're going to pay for it." He drags me into a cell and shoves me against a wall. Silver chains my arms up against the wall and grinned.

"Darling, your life is going to be hell for the next week until we can finally turn you. You will suffer for your actions and once we turn you, you will be put back on the potion for the rest of your life. And you will be the dark bride for my son." He gestures at Liam who crossed his arms and smirked. Since I had nothing to loose, I laughed. Laughed and laughed. That would never happen. I'm either making it out of here alive or I'll stay here dead. There is no way, no way in hell that I will ever give into their power. It was time for me to take my stand, time for me to save myself. They can't hurt me, and I will no longer let them get satisfaction from it.

It's time for me to become their worst nightmare.

A/N: Sorry for the sucky chapter. I haven't written in ages and I'm still trying to get back into the routine of it. I'm soooo very sorry for the very late update as I am very very busy with school. Thank you for all your patience! I really appreciate it (;




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