Chapter 21

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Brooke's POV:

I blinked open my eyes to see Alexander and Sebastain sitting on the side of the bed. Alexander? What's he doing there. I then remember the events that lead me back here. Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths to calm my anger.

"Brooke." The sound of his voice aggravated me and I sat up and swung my fist at Sebastian. It missed.

"WHAT THE HELL SEBASTIAN?!? SLEEPING POWDER!!!" I screamed in his face as he pinned me down, making small sparks shoot through my arms "I told you not to tell Alex you found me!" He covered my mouth as I struggled to get out of his grip.

"He's my best friend Brooke, he didn't need to suffer. After all, he's supposed to lead the pack soon. He doesn't need that stress on him." He tries to reason with me. It's not working though...

"Well now it's worse because he has to put up with me! Thanks a lot."

Alexander comes to the side of the bed and looks me in the eye. "Don't blame Sebastian, I was the one who told him to put the powder in your drink." I finally got out of his grip and punched Alexander in the face. Blood runs from his nose as he takes his sleeve to catch the blood.

"I guess I deserved that." He admitted.

"Hell yeah you did!" I expressed angrily. I'm so furious that he would bring me here.

"What's so special about me..."I whisper loud enough for them to hear me. "My life has turned upside down ever since I moved here. I have no family. They're all missing!!!" I let a few tears fall in frustration. "I don't even know if they're alive." Sebastian restrained me again and I didn't fight back this time.

"Everything's okay now, Brooke." Sebastian wiped some of the tears from my eyes.

"Take me back please." I pleaded and he shook his head.

"You can go when the boss tells you too." He grins nodding at Alexander whose nose was still bleeding.

"You're not leaving. It's not safe. We're trying to protect you Brooke. Now, I'm going to go talk to my aunt to check if it's broken." He leaves the room in a heartbeat leaving me with Sebastian.

"I hope it's broken." I mutter making Sebastain laugh.

"You do now, but you won't later." I scoffed at his words but kept silent. "You aren't thinking about running away again, are you?"

"No, but I'll promise I won't if you promise me one thing." Feeling determined, I thought of my words wisely.

"Yeah, and what's that?" He asks expecting something ridiculous.

"Teach me how to fight."

"Fine, deal. Don't make me regret it." He said nudging me, faint sparks spreading from that area. I grinned and headed back to Scarlett's and I's room.

Walking into the room, I saw Carlie sitting on the edge of the bed but jumped up in excitement when she saw me. She ran over to me and engulfed me into a hug.

"Never do that again Brooke!" Scarlett cried out. "We were all so worried about you. I thought you would've died especially with what Silver had done to you." She looked me up and down.

"You look fine to me now. How is that possible?"

"My best friend from Florida, Rachel, is a witch. She and her mom had done something to me and well, it worked. I'm so grateful they helped me, otherwise I would probably be dead." Scarlett hugged me again and put her arms on my shoulders.

"I'm glad you're okay now." She smiled at me before walking towards the door. "I'm going to go and grab some food.  Do you want anything?" I shake my head and go to sit on the bed. "No thank you." I replied and I let my head hit the pillow. Looking down at my knuckles, I saw they were a bit bruised. I rubbed them and smirked. At least I did something to Alexander to show he can't force me to do things.

I understand he's trying to protect me, but I don't want to get in his way when he's trying to become alpha. Closing my eyes, I let myself drift off into sleep once more, the only place I can escape this paranormal world. The only place I can relax and feel at ease.

Alexander's POV:

I held my sleeve over my nose trying to stop the bleeding. Brooke is quite the fiesty one but I'm glad she punched me. I deserved it. It was selfish of me to ask my best friend of all people to knock her out with a powder, just to bring her back to me.

I don't want Brooke to get taken by Silver, because once she's turned by them, she'll never be able to go back. She'll be stuck with them forever. A place where she'll be tortured for the rest of her life. I took a left and headed into my aunt's nurse's office.

"What happened to you?" My aunt came rushing over with a tissue and I grab it gratefully pressing it under my nose.

I laughed, " A girl." Her eyes widened in confusion.

"A girl?"

"Yes. We got Brooke back." I told her the story of how I told Sebastian to give Brooke the sleeping powder and how she punched me when she woke up.

"I have to admit, it was a nice punch. Your nose is broken, but you'll be fine. It'll heal in a few hours. Be lucky you're a werewolf." She said shaking her head. My aunt put a splint on my nose and sent me off. If Brooke can punch like that, what's her problem. That girl can defend herself, if only she knows how to do that properly. After all strong walls shake, but don't collapse.

A/N: I know what you guys are thinking, 6 updates in a day. Yes guys, I do have a life...Just not today. I was bored today and didn't have anything really to do so I decided to update! I'm sooo grateful to all of you who have been commenting, voting, and sharing this story with your friends. I am so astonished with that stats of my story. There are like 3x more comments, 300 more reads, and about 2x of stars than last week! All the kind feedback from you guys has made me smile so much and grin like an idiot:D This made me sooo happy so I thank you for that♡♡♡



-Are you guys mad that Brooke punched Alex?

- Would you rather be a werewolf or vampire?

- Should I do character interviews later on where you guys ask the questions and the characters answer them?

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