Chapter 13

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I hear a faint ringing from a distance. It kept getting louder, and louder. I spin around in the darkness, trying to figure out where I was. A death-curling scream echoed through the walls sending shivers up my spine, my blood running cold. Where was I? Why did this have to happen to me? I slide down the wall slowly and curl up into a ball. Silent sobs escaped my mouth as I remembered one thing. I would never see him again...Tears streamed down my face faster. I was going to die. I knew I had to stay strong...All of a sudden, the man with the silver tooth approached me. I gasped and pressed myself deeper into the wall. He slowly smiled, and held up his hand, which was covered in blood. With an evil grin, he picks up something from the floor. It was the girl's head. I turned over a spilled out my guts. Her face was ghostly pale, brown eyes glazed with a film, staring into nothingness.

"Don't you think she'll be beautiful in my collection?" I bite my tongue, unable to respond.

"No? Well, I guess I'll have to replace her then...My my, you are gorgeous. You can definitely replace her. But before that, I can guarantee that you will suffer." He pulls out a knife from his pocket.

"I promise, this won't hurt a bit-"


"Brooke! Wake up!!!!!" I'm being shaken awake by Scarlett with a frantic look on her face. I flinch at her rough movements, tightening my muscles.

"Enough Scarlett. Can't you see you're hurting her?" I look over to see Alexander eying me up and down worriedly. She huffs and leaves the room, glaring at Alexander.Taking a deep breath, I let it out and closed my eyes. I was still shaking from that nightmare.

"Are you alright?" He asks placing his hand on my own. It sent sparks that made me rip my hand away.

"What was that?" I ask, shaking out my hand.

"Remember how I told you about mates?" I nod slowly.

"Well, I just found mine. And, it just so happens to be you." My eyes widen at his words.

"But I'm not a werewolf...How is that even possible?" He shakes his head.

"You don't have to be one. It's hard to explain further until you have more knowledge about our world but, the bond will make us closer." He grabs my hand, placing a kiss onto my knuckles.

"This is all so confusing." Why did I have to be thrown into this paranormal world all of a sudden?

"It'll come in time." He says. I close my eyes and lean back against the pillow and bed I am currently lying on. Looking around, I notice we are once again in a different place.

"Where are we now?" I ask looking at the new surroundings.

"Well, we never left. We're in the emergency part of my house. It's secure down here and we have betas guarding every entrance."

"Oh," was all I could really say. Standing up, I try to get out of the bed. I start to sway, and then I fell to the ground and screamed. Pain was immersing from my abdomen from where the man had stabbed me. My nightmare was becoming more of a reality. I could feel the thrusts of the knife going in and out of my stomach. But, when I looked down, no blood was to be seen. It was only pain. Scarlett rushes back in and looks at me gasping.

"Don't just stand there. Get a doctor. NOW! Please hurry!" Alexander was now hugging me to his torso, my head lying on his shoulder. "Brooke, what's happening?" He asks as gently as possible. I shake my head.

"It's real. It's all real. He's here." I sob into his shoulder.

A doctor rushes in and looks at me. "Restrain her!" His grip on my tightens.

She places a hand on my head and reached in, pulling out memories. She and I relived my nightmare once again.

"You'll be fine." She says calmly, although her face had been drained of all color and her eyes told me she was lying.

"I don't believe that! You're lying." She pulls out a syringe and plunges it into my skin. The world blurs and everything around me goes black.


Alexander's POV

"What was that for?" I ask angrily.

"She's not okay. She's being driven insane. Silver is getting inside her head. She's vulnerable. I don't know how or when he could do something like that, but it's making her believe it's real...feel it's real." She looks at me with a frown.

"What do we do?" I asked."Take her to Snape to learn legilimency?" My sarcastic remark made her furious.

"This is serious! If she's driven to a certain point, she'll be in a trance, then captured, and killed."

I put my hand to my temple and sigh.

"You have a few options." I nod waiting for her to explain.

"You could take her to a memory witch, and have all of her memory erased. All of it. She won't know who she is or who her family and friends are. She'll be lost, but safe." I shake my head. That option's out the door. I would never do that to her. Not remembering your siblings, friends That sounds like a terrible idea.

"Or, you could let her die. The insanity will kill her or Silver will kill her first. It's your choice." That's when I get angry.

"What the hell! This is my mate we're talking about. Your future Luna. Tell me if there's any other option that will keep her safe and her memories. At least one option." I pleaded.

She ponders on the idea for a moment. "Yes, you're right. There is one option."


"I don't know how she'll react to this but, you'll have to-" I knew where she was going with this. This woman, was my aunt, Scarlett's mother. I know her too well, and by where this was going, my heart sinks into a deep abyss. The only way was to

Turn her.

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