Chapter 18

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   I bit my tongue in order to stop myself from gasping. What is he doing here? He's not supposed to be here. He'll find out about me and that can't happen. Sebastian will bring me to Alex and Scarlett and I'll be their problem again. He looks at me and tilts his head.

"Are you new? I've never seen you before." I decided to try and be opposite of my personality so it'll be harder to figure me out. Thankfully my voice was a tad different too.

"Obviously." I said with a roll of my eyes. Sebastian was my friend and I felt bad for acting like a snob towards him but he can't find out about me.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Sophia Baker and you are?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Sebastian Gray. I have a quick question for you. Do you know anyone by the name of Brooklyn Woods?"

"Why would I know her, I'm new remember?!?" I take out a pencil and start to copy off the board. Looking at my skin, it started to bubble up a bit. I looked at Sebastian to see if he was watching but he wasn't until he felt my eyes on him.

"I'm sorry, I just have the first day jitters and I haven't been having a fantastic day so far." I covered up.

"It's alright." He said with a smirk. I run up to the teacher and get a bathroom pass. Rushing to my locker, I grabbed my potion and took a quick drink from it, my skin going back to normal.

"Thank goodness." I sighed in relief and headed back to class. I tried avoiding Sebastian the rest of class and headed to my last class. Apparently Sophia had a pretty decent voice. She could actually sing better than I could anyway. Once school was over, I headed to my locker and grabbed my backpack, and began to walk home. I felt a presence behind me and turned around to be face to face with Sebastian.

"Hey, you said you've had a pretty bad day so far so I was wondering if I could take you out for ice cream?" Sebastian asks with pleading eyes. If I said no, he would probably get more suspicious about me so I reluctantly agreed.

"Are you paying for it?" He nodded.

"Great! Free ice cream is the best." I smiled and walked with him to the Ice Cream parlor.

"What do you want?" Sebastian asks looking at the menu.

"Can I just get a vanilla ice cream with Reece's peanut butter cups mixed in?" He nods and gets the same thing I do. We sit down at a table and I start digging into my ice cream.

"So, where are you from?" He asks me.

"New York. I loved going to see the Broadway shows there." I thought off the top of my head without hesitation.

"What brings you to Washington?" I rushed the hair out of my eyes and tucked it behind my ear.

"Well, my father got a job promotion here so we moved." When we finished, I began to walk towards my 'house'.

"Wait! Let me walk you home." He says catching up to me. Sebastian puts his hands in his pocket and begins to whistle.

 "Sebastian, what about you? Where are you from?" I never really got the chance to know him so I guess this is my chance.

"Well, I'm from Seattle. I remember loving going to the games there with my father. I have two older brothers and a younger sister as well. Although, it's just us. One day we woke up and my mother just disappeared. My father was heartbroken as was I but I never lost hope. I always believed one day she would come back." He blew the hair out of his face and had his hands in his pockets, looking at the concrete.

"Sophia, what's it like to have both parents with you?" He asks me.

"I don't know, I haven't had both parents with me in a while. Currently, I'm on my own." I sigh but currently regret what I said.

"Wait, why?" Sebastian eyes me suspiciously and I hold my breath.

"They both work." I said.

"Don't worry Sophia, you won't always be alone. You've got me." He beamed at me standing in my driveway. I walk up to the door and turn around.

"Thanks Sebastian! Same goes for you. See you tomorrow!" I smiled at him, closing the door. Peeking out the window, I saw his mouth curl upwards, showing his dimples. But, what would he do if he knew I was Brooke? Would he take me to Alexander and Scarlett or would he respect my wishes. One will never know because I will do my best to make sure nobody finds out who I really am.

Sebastian's POV:

There is something about that girl that I cant figure out. I feel like she is a girl of many secrets and I intend to uncover them if it's the last thing I do. Her attitude intrigued me, it almost reminded me of Brooke. Brooke. I still haven't found her yet and my best friend is suffering.

I could hear his voice coming through my mind through our mind link.

'Any luck?' Alexander asks worridly, almost pleading.

'No. Although, there is one girl that I met today and I feel like she knows where Brooke is.' I answer. Sophia had tensed up when I mentioned Brooke

'I think she somewhat trusts me. I can try and question her tomorrow.'

'Perfect, the sooner we find her the better.' Alexander responded before cutting off the mind link.

I knew I had plans for tomorrow. For I would uncover all of Sophia Baker's secrets. Tomorrow, I will do my best to discover what she's hiding from the world.

A/N: Third Update Today!!! When you update that much, you don't really have a ton to say so Thanks for reading especially to the ones who are voting, commenting, and sharing! You guys make my day:D



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