Chapter 7 - It's just Amelia (Part 2)

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Excuse the crappy chapter I uploaded previously, I just couldn't let that be a chapter as it was like the worst thing ever so here you go - chapter 7 part two! I will update a bit later as well, maybe 10pm (GMT)


We walked into school and Finn put his arm around my shoulder.

"Amelia, since we're just friends now, there's something I kind of need to talk to you about."

"Sure, go ahead Finnegan"

"Well, there's this girl."

At this point I started teasing him - "Finny has a girlfriend, Finny has a girlfriend!"

"Amelia! Seriously! That's not funny!"

I tried my best not to laugh but he was so serious that it was absolutely halarious.

At that moment another voice joined in the conversation "What's this I hear about Finny having a girlfriend? It better not be you!" Jack said looking at me.
I giggled. "No, Jack. I was only joking Finn doesn't have a girlfriend. I was just teasing him because...uh" I improvised thinking on the spot, not at all wanting to tell Jack that Finn was talking to me about a girl. "because...Sarah...Smith...was, err, looking at him"

"Amelia," jack began "who is sarah smith, I sure as hell don't know a Sarah Smith."

"Jackson Harries, let's think logically here, you are one person. There are 600 students in this school, yet you are assuming that you know every single one? I doubt that very much." I answered back.

"Not every person, every girl. I know them because you know..." he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively "...classes"

Finn and I laughed, and then we all walked in to school. I had only realised then that Lucy was not with us. "Jack...where's Lucy?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you, she phoned me this morning and was apologising a lot, I asked her what for and she told me that she was sorry for insisting that I was the father, and that she was pretty sure it was my mate, you know, Matt?" Jack didn't seem angry at all.

"But...aren't, jack if it was me i wouldn't still be calling him my "mate""

"Oh well, she's happy, and am I" he smiled at me. Finn patted him on the back "That's great Jack, well done man"

I always admired their relationship. Although they were twins I still wished that me and my siblings would be that close, since they were all older they all seemed to laugh at each other's jokes and i felt like the childish and immature one.

Jack said bye to us and was about to walk off when Finn called him back. "Jack!" Jack turned around "Is matt okay with the whole situation?"
"Yeah, he seemed surprised but actually quite happy today"
"Oh, anyway see you in drama Jack."
"Bye Finn. Bye Amelia Rose"
"It's Amelia, Jack"
***updated again***

After me and Finn came out of English together, we went to drama. As we organised the previous day, I was with Finn, Jack and Lucy in a group. Once we got in our group we all realised it was going to be awkward, especially for Lucy, who spoke up first "Guys...Do you mind if I go to their group?" she said pointing to the group next to ours.
I replied first -"of course not Lucy, but you're welcome to stay with us if you want" and I smiled at her. "Thanks Amelia"

She turned around and moved to the other group. "So, what are we doing?" Finn asked us both.
"I think we should do a modern take on Cinderella. She could be sassy and the prince could be high maintenance, it could be funny." I answered.
Jack commented "Amelia! That's a great idea!"
"Jack! If that was me you'd just laugh!" Jack and I both laughed at Finn's remark, it was kind of true.
"Yeah, but this is Amelia Rose."
"Jack. It's just Amelia."
"I like Amelia Rose"
"Cut it out you two, I thought we were doing Cinderella not The Fault In Our Stars" Finn said, finishing mine and Jack's disagreement.

Three words, Two hearts, One promise -A Jacksgap fan fiction (Jacksgap fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now