Chapter 18 - Not This Again

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Jack then turned to her brother, who was apparently called Milo and did a im-too-cool-to-hug-you-so-lets-just-shake-hands-and-shoulder-touch boy thing. I smiled watching them talk, it looked they hadn't seen each other in a while, and Jack turned to look at me and beckoned me over to involve me in the conversation. As I walked up to them Jack took my hand, assuring me that they were always just friends. 

  "Jasmine and Milo, this is my lovely girlfriend Amelia-Rose, Amelia, these are my, old friends. They're twins."  They both smiled and waved at me and I returned the gesture.  I could tell Jasmine was the more confident of the two as she started talking first - "Me and Milo have moved with our parents to this town. We're going to go to this school now, it looks cuter than our old one, and definitely more central."

  "Aww, that's cool" I said, genuinely, and smiled at them. We started to walk in to school together as Jack continued to talk to them both.

Jack pulled his phone out of his pocket and sighed. "Hey Amelia, guess who's not going to school today" Jack asked sarcastically, raising his eyebrows.

I laughed "Well, he looks like he had a rough night. Probably needs his sleep." Jack nodded in agreement and continued his conversation with Jasmine and Milo.

When we got to school we quickly picked up Jasmine and Milo's timetables - they had similar lessons to mine, but because Milo was in the year above we didn't have any lessons with him. (Jack introduced him to one of his friends who had the same timetable, so he could show him around) I could honestly say that both of them were extremely lovely, as I said before Jasmine definitely seemed more confident, but the more I talked to Milo, the less shy and reserved he seemed.

At the end of the day we all walked out of school together. I checked my phone as we walked past the gates. I had a text from my sister "There was the cutest guy in school today" I rolled my eyes and then carried on reading "he's called Milo! How cute is that!" I laughed out loud at this point.

I elbowed Jack and showed him the text, he laughed too. "Er, guys, do you think we should go get a coffee or something?" Jack called to us. We all looked at him and each other nodding in agreement. Jack leaned over and whispered "Why don't you ask Clara to meet you at starbucks?" I smiled and got my phone out again, before looking through my contacts to find Clara. I put my phone to my ear and waited until she picked up. "Hey Clara, I was wondering if you'd like to meet us at Starbucks, we literally just left school and we're walking there now" She agreed and I looked over at Finn, smiling and wiggling my eyebrows.

When we got there we ordered our drinks and sat down. "You don't mind if my sister joins us do you?"

"Of course not" Jasmine and Milo answered smiling.

Five minutes later Clara walked in and waved at Jack and I. Her eyes widened when she saw Milo sitting there, I wiggled my eyebrows at her and beckoned her over.  "Jasmine and Milo this is my sister Clara. Clara this is Jasmine and Milo." Jasmine smiled and waved confidently, while Milo said hello quickly and then looked down at his drink, his cheeks going red.

After ten minutes of Jack trying to make the situation less awkward. I got up and grabbed my bag. "I think I should probably be going home now, I have loads of homework to do" I told them. Jack got up straight away "Me too, Jasmine? Milo I don't think you've quite finished your coffee, and neither have you Clara. Bye then, see you later"

We all walked out laughing, Jasmine had obviously caught on. I said goodbye to Jasmine and me and Jack started to walk towards my house. "Jack, you don't have to walk me home you know"

"well that's what you said last time isn't it?"

"Yeah, but that won't happen again."

" this again."

"Erm, sorry. Wait what's going on?"

"I didn't say that out loud...about how you said that last time. I just thought it"

"Crap, I thought that was some sort of weird dream thing I had. As cool as it is I find it weird that you can just read my mind sometimes."

"Think of it less as mindreading, and more as telepathetically communicating. Anyway we need to see how this is happening. I'm going to think something, and if you get it...that's cool" I waited five seconds and then slapped Jack.

"THAT'S INNAPROPRIATE" He laughed "you definitely got that one"

After a while of talking we realised that we can't really see what we're thinking, but if we try to say things to each other then it works. It's weird I know, but the fact that we could communicate when we're not together is pretty cool. By the time our conversation was over we had arrived at my house. I kissed Jack goodbye and he walked back to his house. It was better that Jack is at his house with Finn, he could watch him. I was kind of worried about Finn though. I felt extremely guilty because I knew that this whole acohol phase was because of me, but Jack kept reminding me that at the end of the day it was his decision to drink and not mine.

After I'd done all my homework I made myself some toast and just sat down to eat when I got a call from Jack. "Amelia...Finn's kind of having a breakdown right now and I'm worried about him. My dad's here as well but I think Finn needs to talk to you. Is it alright if I come and pick you up?"

"Erm, well yeah, ok, sure" I said taken a back. I quickly scribbled a note to my sister, and in case my parents got back early from their business trip, telling them that I was just going to Jack's.

Jack's dad had come to pick me up instead of Jack. When I got in the car I said good evening and then there was an awkward silence. "Jack really loves you Amelia, he cares about you. He told me that you feel bad about Finn and he's right you know, it's not your fault." I smiled at him and nodded. It was only a five minute drive to their house so we got their quickly and I ran inside. Finn was curled up on the sofa staring blankly at the wall. I looked at Jack - "He's been like this for 15 minutes. He hasn't moved. He keeps on saying that he's stupid and an idiot. I don't know what to do" I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Finn, don't worry" Finn turned his head to look at me and burst into tears. I stroked his head as he sobbed onto shoulder. He kept on saying that he souldn't of done what he did and that its all his fault, I guessed that he was talking about Tiffany and the alcohol.

After an hour of us all sitting with Finn and comforting him he was starting to look better. "I'm gonna go to bed now, thanks anyway" he got up and walked out of the room. I looked at Jack and stood up myself "I need to get going too" "Amelia, it's kind of late now, if you want you can stay here. I'll just put a matress on the floor and you can take the bed" "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude" "I promise, it's fine"

He told me where the bathroom was and so I quickly washed my face, and brushed my teeth with my finger. When I got out of the bathroom there was one of Jack's t-shirts and a jumper of his on the bed, they were folded along with a pair of his shorts and on top of the pile was a sticky note saying "Amelia-Rose xxx" I took the clothes and quickly changed into them.

As I was pulling on the jumper Jack walked in to the room with a mattress and covers. "Jack, you don't have to sleep on the floor, I'm fine"

"As long as you're sure that you can resist this hot stuff" Jack said pointing to himself and raising his eyebrows.

"Trust me I'm sure" I said rolling me eyes. Laughing, I added "and don't make me throw up"

He did the same fake shocked look that he did this morning when I didn't eat breakfast. I quickly got out my phone to see that if I had got a text from Clara. I did.

"Guess who has a date with the cutessttt boyy everrr on friday." I laughed and told Jack.

He laughed too - "Now we just need to find someone for Finn"

Three words, Two hearts, One promise -A Jacksgap fan fiction (Jacksgap fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now