Chapter 13 - Siblings.

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The light was streaming in from my window as I stretched and opened my eyes. The memories of the previous day rushed back as I thought of everything that had happened to me and how confused I was. The strange thing was, despite the communicating telepathically with Jack, I had been acting normal. Especially for someone who had almost gotten stabbed, and then was punched in the face and cut my head open, I was still not sure about everything that had happened, and I was sure that I had missed out a vital part of the story.

Five minutes later my alarm went off. It was friday, my mum had tried to tell me to take the day off again, just to make sure I was okay but I insisted, I wanted to go back to school and I wanted everything to be normal again, and the only way to do that was to carry on instead of over exaggerating about the previous events. I got up and ran to the bathroom, getting in the shower and then leaving fully dressed in my uniform.   

I took my school books for the day and put them in my bag, then grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. As I walked into the front room my sister was sitting on the sofa. "Clara!!!" I ran up to her and hugged her and then sat down next to her. I hadn't seen her in about a month. "Amelia if you're not careful you'll hurt your head again!" 

"Clara i'm fine, I promise, when did you get back anyway?"

"I got back last night at about eleven o'clock, anyway you should probably have breakfast now, do you want me to get you anything?"

"No! I'm fine, don't you worry, do you want me to get you anything?"

"Amelia, go get yourself breakfast!" 

"Okay, fine!" 

I walked to the kitchen and looked in the cupboard trying to decide what to go for, I looked at all the boxes of cereal but couldn't make my mind up so I grabbed a lemon muffin and walked back to the living room. I checked my phone and realised I didn't have much time until I had to leave. 

"Clara, i'm going to go early so i'll see you when I get back, tell everyone I said bye and to have a nice day."

"Bye Clara, have fun, tell Jack I said hi" she said as I was walking down the hallway. I started walking backwards into the living room. "What do you know about Jack?" 

"I know that you only met him a few days ago but mum said she can see that you like him already."

"What, why would she say that?"

"You underestimate her you know, apparently you make it obvious"

"I do NOT make it obvious!" 

"Hey, don't shoot the messenger, anyway, do you want me to walk to school with you? I'm ready anyway, I couldn't sleep, and i'm still worried about you after that head injury."

"Okay, i'd love that! But you're not walking with me because of the head injury because I am absolutely fine." 

"Whatever, come on, lets go." 

Clara got up and grabbed her bag. As we left we talked about life that we'd missed, it had only been a month since she left, but it had felt like much much longer. Somehow, I have no idea, but she managed to get me to tell her about Jack, and how much I liked him. 

When we were halfway to school, like before, we saw Jack and Finn. When we saw them Clara decided to nudge me and wiggle her eyebrows, causing me to blush so much that i'm sure Jack and Finn could notice from where they were standing.  

"Amelia!" They called to me and ran over. "Hey Jack and Finn, this is my sister Clara"

"Hello, i've heard all about you two." Clara said, causing Finn to laugh and Jack to start smirking like a little boy,

"From our parents. That's how she's heard all about you two." 

"Okay sure Amelia." Jack teased.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "So Clara, how's everything going?"

"It's going very well thankyou Jack"  

"I'm glad to hear that from a lovely lady like you"

"Jack why do you have to flirt with everything that moves, including my sister." 

Finn burst out laughing at this point, he obviously agreed with me, but every now and then he kept on looking at Jack warily. When Jack and Clara were talking and walking in front of us, Finn leaned over to me and whispered - "Your sister is very pretty" 

"You think so Finny?"


"Well you should ask her out. I think she'd like you to." 

At this point Jack shook his head and looked at her, then started blushing, going bright red. At this point I laughed. 

"She wouldn' me." 

"Finn! Stop it, i'll go talk to Jack, and then you ask her out okay."

"But Am-"

"Good Luck Finn!" I cut him off running up to Jack and wrapping my arms around his neck.

Jack leaned forward and lifted me up so he was giving me a piggy back then started running up the road screamiing. "Jack! Let me go! I just wanted to talk to you!"

"Okay fine, what do you want to talk about Amelia Rose?" He said lowering me to the ground.

"Well, I just wanted to give Finn a chance to talk to Clara" 

"Ahhh, I see what you're doing," Jack caught on and looked back, me doing the same "Aw look at them both, blushing like crazy"

"I know, well anyway, I think Finn really likes Clara, do you think Clara would like Finn?" 

"She's your sister, but probably, they look happy enough, anyway, we still haven't gone on a proper date, how about this evening, will it be okay if I pick you up at 6? We can go eat if you want?" 

"I'd love that Jack. I'll see you at 6." I answered him then walked back to Clara, hugging her and saying goodbye, before turning back and walking through the school gates.

Three words, Two hearts, One promise -A Jacksgap fan fiction (Jacksgap fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now