Chapter 22 - The Salutem

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"Hey guys! So today we're going to be filming a video with some special guests!"

Jack announced to the camera before looking down at me and sighing.  

"Amelia-Rose, I told you to jump into frame after I said "guests" !"

"I'm sorry Jack but I keep on forgetting, it's weird like talking to camera I guess isn't it?" I lied to the twins before looking at Jasmine and bursting into laughter. We tried to stop laughing as Jack and Finn glared at us severely - they obviously take their job extremely seriously.  Jack sighed and I coughed before regaining my serious face. 

"Okay let's try this again, now stop laughing, I love you but we need to do this now." Jack said before turning back and winking at me to take the serious tone out of the sentence. "Hello guys, how're you doing? Me and Finny here have decided to film a video with two extremely special guests." 

"I would just like to add - whenever we have guests on our channel we always get horrible and nasty comments which are completely unneccessary, please if you have comments that are negative and not helpful at all then please keep them to yourselves. We care about our friends and you'll make us upset if you make them upset. Please just keep that in mind but enjoy the video nonetheless" Finn added before throwing a quick smile at the camera.

Me and Jasmine jumped up from behind the two chairs, slightly late again but they didn't seem to notice.

"Hi everyone my name's Amelia"    

"and I'm Jasmine"   we said looking at the camera and waving. Jack continued to talk to the camera about the challenge that we were going to do.  They had decided that we were going to do the blindfolded make-up challenge. We all knew it wasn't going to turn out well for them but they didn't care. It would make a good video anyway.

After filming the video Jasmine and I couldn't stop laughing at Jack and Finn, they looked hilarious. "So guys, if you liked the video and would like to see more videos with Amelia-Rose and Jasmine then make sure to give this video a big thumbs up. If you want to see more of us then click the subscribe button which is down there, thanks for watching guys, see you next week!"

Jack finished before leaning over and turning off the camera. He threw his hands up in the air and sighed "now for the editing! yaayyy!" he groaned, sarcastically.

Jack and Finn were sitting there for over an hour editing. Jasmine picked up her phone and clicked on Milo's number. "Hey Milo" 

"Yeah, I'll tell her"

"Okay, I'll see you at home in a bit then"


Jasmine ended the call then smiled at me. "Milo's with Clara, she said that you need to be home by 7 for dinner, so you probably need to get going soon" 

"Oh ok, well thanks, yeah, I better start going now, it's already 6:30, and my mum will kill me if I'm not there ten minutes early" 

I hugged Jasmine goodbye and grabbed my bag, opening the door and trying - but failing - to shut the door quietly. I started making my way downstairs but two seconds later I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Jack putting follwing me down the stairs whilst putting his coat on. I knew he wouldn't let me go that easily, especially after our conversation that morning at school.

"Are you sure you don't want a coat? It's not that warm out" 

"I'm fine, seriously. I don't mind the cold that much"

Jack took this as the oppurtunity to start singing. I frowned as he ran out of the door singing let it go at the top of his lungs. "THE COLD NEVER BOTHERED ME ANYWAY!!!"

"JACK HARRIES STOP IT YOU'RE GIVING ME A HEADACHE." I shouted at him laughing. We started walking and he grabbed my hand.

A car drove up behind us slowing down as it passed us. A man with cold blue eyes stared at us he passed us before speeding off again. As he drove off I noticed him raise a phone to his ear. 

I looked at Jack. His grip on my hand tightened as he took his phone out his pocket. He quickly clicked on Finn's number and put his phone to his ear. Jack turned around dragging me along with him. "Finn we're coming back. Someone saw us. It was Jeremias." 

"I think we'll be ok, but get everything ready. You might want to get Jasmine to try and get in contact with Amelia's family. They all need to be protected, they can come to the salutem."

He hung up but kept his phone in his hand. "Jack what the hell is going on, seriously please tell me, I'm extremely confused right now."

"I know you are, but don't worry, like I said you will not be hurt, and neither will your family. We'll get them to safety." 

"What's the salutem?"

"It's our basement, it's like twice the size of a normal floor in our house. It means safety in latin, we didn't think we'd be using it anytime soon but we had it made for situations like this. It's been there for generations, my great-great-great grandfather had it made" 

"Your family is so much more interesting than I thought it was Jack" I said earning a chuckle from Jack.

We were walking briskly down the road and were a few metres away from the house when a car started driving up behind us. It was a black car this time, compared to the first, silver one, but I noticed it have the same symbol scratched on to the back of it. Jack grabbed my hand and screamed telling me to run and to anyone that could hear to open the door. The door was pulled open by Andy (their dad) seconds later and we were rushed in, with the door slammed shut behind us. As I walked in to the large living room I noticed many people there. 

The Alford family (Jasmine, Milo and their parents), The Blackburn's (my family) and The Harries. I looked around and ran up to my family hugging them all, before sobbing and falling to the floor. Jack immediately ran to my side and lifted me up.

"It's okay, we'll explain what's happening. Just give us a chance. For now though, we'll show you to the basement. We can set up everything for your family and for Jasmine's too. I'm sorry to tell you this Amelia, but we dont know how long you'll have to stay here for."

Three words, Two hearts, One promise -A Jacksgap fan fiction (Jacksgap fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now